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10 Reasons To Be Happy Forever | How to be Happy in Life Always?

Wondering reasons to be happy?

Great! Well, We all are just so caught up in the rat race that we forget one thing: Happiness.

I learned it in my political philosophy class that happiness is the utmost pleasure which a man seeks.

Why do you do anything?

It is because of happiness.

Now happiness may not be the direct cause but remember it is always the root.

You might want love, money, and health . . .

What is the ultimate root? Happiness.

Sometimes, we fail to find reasons to be happy.

Often we are so caught up in things that we fail to find even a single reason.

If I ask you today why you are stressed out or sad . . . then you will list numerous reasons.

Yes, numerous ones.

You have thousands of reasons to worry but only a few to be actually happy.

Let’s dig into some basic reasons to be happy which you already have but you fail to register it.

#1 Reason to be Happy: Being Alive

You’re alive my friend. Isn’t it the best gift in itself?

#2 Reason to be Happy: See what you can control

Another reason to be happy is that “now” is all you have. The only time which you can control, that truly exists, is now.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.”
― Bill Keane

Life is happening to you when you are making plans. . . So don’t actually miss living in the moment.

Also Here Are Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources You Will Ever Need.

#3 Reason to be happy: Nothing stays the same

Another reason to be fully happy about is to know a fact: Your life has the potential to take a huge turn.

Yes, it can drastically change. Nothing stays the same.

Know that it will change for the better.

Feed this thought in your subconscious mind.

You have to feed it. Because your subconscious mind has the potential to turn thoughts into things.

If you have no idea what I am talking about then I will highly suggest you read this piece on subconscious mind and get blown away!

#4 Reason to be happy: DayDreaming

Be happy because you have the potential of daydreaming.

And everything starts from there. Yes, daydreaming will make you closer to your goals.

Imagination is your best friend. What else can one want? Let your imagination run wild.

You need to get absorbed in a daydream for manifesting miracles.

Daydreaming is about imagination which means visualization.

If you know the power of visualization then I admire your wisdom.

Be happy because you can use visualization as a law of attraction tool. See more about law of attraction here. 

10 Reasons To Be Happy Forever (1)

#5 Reason to be happy: Why do you need to be happy?

Because today you have the chance of flipping your life.

List down the things which are making you unhappy.

It can be your career OR other relations.

Anyway, just write down what steps you can take to eliminate unhappiness.

Maybe you might have to change your career or get in one to one conversation to figure things out.

#6 Reason to be happy: You matter

You need to be happy today because you have the chance of making a difference in someone’s life.

Yes, you have the opportunity so why not use it fullest. I learned in my political philosophy class that we humans can not exist in isolation.

It is pretty true.

Our life otherwise would have been pretty dull.

By making a difference in someone’s life you will be actually making your own day better.

Be happy because you are able to do more than just existing.

Be happy because your little input or gesture can make a difference.

Little things count so just do not underestimate.

#7 Reason to be happy: To fall in love

Be happy because you can fall in love girl!

Remember there are types of love. It is always about romantic attachment.

You can experience platonic love, friendship/family love, romantic love and agape love (unconditional love that is beyond expectation)

#8 Reason to be happy: Having Failed?

Now is the time to be happy if you have failed!

Yes, failing means you have tried several times.
Those attempts will lead you to success from today.

Several things in my life never go according to the plan but I take such situations as a stepping stone.

You should too. For great happiness and pleasure.

#9 Reason to be happy: You are enough

Be happy because you are self-sufficient. Be glad because you are worthy of everything.

You have gone through a lot and strove through improvement but now is time to truly cherish that.

You need to love yourself as is.

Love who you are because you deserve that.

No one is you and no one can be you . . . a reason enough to be happy. Be glad because of your individuality.

#10 Reason to be happy: You are a Creator

Be happy because you are not a victim but rather a creator of your reality.

Isnot it an insane reason to be happy?

I literally was shaken last year after finding out the power of our own thoughts.

Girl, it is all about mindset.

Have you ever experienced that whatever you think strongly turns into reality?

If you start your day with an accident, you instill a quick belief that your rest of the day will turn out bad too.

And this is what exactly happens.

You miss out on the bus, reach late, and give an awful presentation, etc.

Nothing bad can happen to you until you realize that your thoughts have the potential of turning into things.

So it all starts with your thought. The feeling and repetition when combined with any thought will make it sink into your subconscious mind.

And guess what. Your subconscious mind controls your life.

It has a connection with the higher self.

It will manifest whatever in there. All that faith and belief that resides in the subconscious mind will turn into reality today or tomorrow.

Now you know the secret then why not use it for your good.

You might have guessed it right.

It is the law of attraction. As gravity exists, so does this law.

So be happy BECAUSE you can just flip your whole life with a thought.

Yes, with a thought.

I highly suggest you take further assistance and learn more about this miracle here. 

Some Cool Ways to Boost Your Happiness Level:

  • Hop in the shower
  • Review your to-do list
  • Do light exercise
  • Take a moment to breathe
  • Keep a gratitude journal.
  • Don’t reach for your phone.
  • Think happy thoughts

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