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Find How Thoughts Become Things & You’ll be shocked [never think these]

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Discover how thoughts become things, but before that let’s dig into Sally’s life.

Sally has watched several personal development seminars, dived into books, and attended workshops . . .

But she could never find the missing link. One day she finally questioned fundamentals.

In desperately trying to control her life when Lucifer broke her heart, Sally needed a spiritual alignment.

The books used to empower her sense, but after an hour. . . she would resort back to emotional eating . . . resulting in the demise of her modeling career.

Haven’t I sally yet? Probably you are new to the blog. Meet her here.

Why did her feelings only change temporarily? Why did she feel good for only a while? If you relate to this then let me explain.


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PS : Don’t forget to grab the freebie at the end of post, specially crafted for you  !

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Missing Link: Thoughts become things?

We seem to jump directly on how to raise self-esteem, how to be happy, and how to attract abundance without catering to the fundamentals. Our thoughts and sadly even unmindful thought become things.

These are the building blocks in creating experiences.

Without setting the right brick, how can we fix other personal growth milestones?

The phrase “thoughts are things” implies that thoughts determine what you experience and you can achieve.

The only limitations are those set up in our minds. . . by our thoughts.

Now it is important to realize here that thoughts are the first layer of fundamental blocks.

Thoughts become things that imply that everything starts from the thought.

This phrase does not suggest that you think about ANYTHING and it will turn into a reality.

This is logical because you have thoughts every day. Imagine if that would be the reality then the world would be a chaotic place to live in.

Assume you would have thought of that black dress and I would have also thought of that same dress. Who would have gotten it if everything was given based on thoughts?

Yes, it stays a question mark.

That is why the system through which the universe operates is perfect.

Everything is in harmony with each other.

Thought Vs Belief

Using the same example, let’s put the scenario in real-life situations.

Who will get the dress in our perfect system of the universe provided you and me both reach at the same time with the same money?

The person who would think, repeatedly think (tuning the thought into a belief) and then act upon it (asking the subconscious mind about how to get it . . . ) will get the dress.

This little example expounds that Thought alone does not make changes in your life.

It truly does when it transforms into a belief and then action.

This sequence has to follow.

Thoughts shape your beliefs and according to beliefs you then act and attract. And sadly very few people talk about it.

I learned from Bob Proctor’s courses where he expounded the findings of napoleon hill. Trust me, from the day I have found the information regarding the “power of thoughts” MY LIFE CHANGED.

Power of thoughts

Thoughts → belief → action/manifestation/change

Sally asked why her life remained the same after 6 months of getting ditched. Because for the past six months her thinking pattern was the same.

This same thinking pattern drilled the same limiting belief which in turn manifested the same results.

If you experience the same monotony in life. The same results. Then you are stuck on point A.

You can not move from A to B without breaking the repetitive thinking pattern which fuels other fundamentals.

We now know that for different results, all you have to do is change your thinking and ultimately your belief.

And what is belief remember? A belief is just a thought you keep on thinking.

Why not believe things that support you in every area of your life if you’re going to be delusional?

At this very moment, you can change your beliefs, if you want to. You can believe anything you want.

You created the results you have in your life – all of it.

Your lifestyle is the result of your belief systems. Your thoughts. If you are living a healthy life today and earning a great income then you created it via your thoughts.

Similarly, if you are trapped in an unhealthy lifestyle with scarce income resources then this has also been created by your thoughts.

Empowering right?

Remember when every belief is attached to a particular feeling.

If you ingrained positive belief in your head then you will possess positive feelings. These beliefs and feelings will force you to take action towards your goal.

This then means that the results you have in your life are a direct consequence of the actions you’ve taken & The actions you’ve taken are from the belief you possess & feelings you felt.

And the belief along with feelings are a result of the thoughts you decided to think.

What this means is that everything you have in your life is a result of your thinking?

Yes, indeed.

By now it must be clear how thoughts become things.

Also Here Are Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources You Will Ever Need.


 thoughts are things ff

Scientific things about thoughts become things.

Don’t worry I do not intend to use any jargon here!

Have you ever awed at the mechanism of radio stations? How does it operate? Every station has its frequency.

You need to tune in your device to a certain frequency for accessing a particular station.

If you will not match the exact frequency then clearly you will not hear anything.

Does that mean the station does not exist? No, it surely does. It is just that our ears can not perceive the waves.

If you remember in middle school we have learned that there are different frequencies through which animals talk.

We can hear some and some cannot not. Have you ever listened to ants? Insects?

What is their speech like?

No, because we humans are not designed to match their frequencies.

Is not it interesting how a lot of information is vibrating in the space around you and you are unaware because it is limited to a specific range of frequency!

By now it must be clear that frequency is a natural phenomenon.

And surprise we can use this exact phenomenon to our advantage for attracting anything we want.

Connection of Thoughts with Energy [frequency/vibration]

If you think that all the thoughts just reside in your head and then die out after a certain amount of time then this is . . . not the case.

It does not only exist in the head but also in reality. It exists as energy.

And you can not sense this energy because it’s frequency is out of human perception.

Now you see why I stretched the whole picture of radio stations and animals? Great.

This thought energy operates faster than the light speed thus is not visible to you.

What does this thought energy do?

It fulfills the intent and desires of the thought by attracting similar energies present in the space around.

Oh wow!!! Now you are getting the power of your thoughts.

If I just think, will I grow rich? After all, this thought is getting vibrated as energy whose job is to fulfill the desire?

Well, my question to you is what is the intensity of frequency?

If you just think without any desire (feeling) and any belief (repeated thinking) then you will be vibrating weak thought energy.

The energy will be so weak that it will not be able to attract similar energies for fulfilling your wish.

If it is my belief will I grow rich? Yes. No Doubt. Because belief is a point of KNOWING.

When you believe you will be vibrating high intensity thought energy which means it is capable of attracting similar energies for fulfilling the desire.

Are you confused? What are these similar energies? Are you like it sounds so good to be true?

So here is to your confusions: Similar energies are the paths, opportunities, miracles that will get attracted to your way.

The key here to ACT on them. You will truly be guided by these energies.

This is why it is not so good to be true. Nothing is magical here. Everything is logical. Very much scientific.

Structure of thought energy [belief(intent) + feeling(desire)]

Now you get how our beliefs together with feelings force us to send a signal to the universe (the thought energy).

The signal which is capable of attracting miracles your way. Nothing is a coincidence. You are always in the process of creating.

 Pin This for later FAM! 


How Thoughts Become Things_ [5 Thoughts You Should Never Think] (1)

Life Example of how thoughts become things

To justify all that you have read above reflects your life incidents.

I know you have had several days where things have gone wrong from the morning. Where when your alarm ditched, you felt “what an awful start towards an extremely important day”

This is exactly how thoughts become things:

You leave your house with the same high-intensity awful feeling and guess what your beliefs and feelings are attracted to??

The rain started, a car raced thus police followed, the meeting failed, and lastly, dinner was canceled. . .

With hands over your head, you then sit on the bed feeling sorry for yourself.

The victim’s attitude. Unaware of the fact that you created every path that came your way. You attracted it unconsciously.

Because the universe operates that way. It is not like if one thing goes wrong, other things go wrong too. It is like one wrong belief and feeling, will attract all wrongs.

Now you get how important it is to watch out and become mindful of what we think.

Because ultimately, especially for negative things (because it is easy), what we think turns a belief and thrives a negative feeling.

From small, teeny tiny incidents to the greatest goals: you experience the results of your thoughts! So it is not about manifesting just desires.

It is about blocking what you do not desire by changing your mindset.

thoughts are things

What are some negative thoughts which you should never think?

Let’s dig into limiting thoughts as they are limiting the miracles:

“I don’t know how?”

You wish to achieve several things in life. But there is a limiting belief which stops you right from the track. Yes, it is I do not know how?

We, in essence, waste our thought energy in worrying about how to get a particular thing or achieve a milestone.

By Questioning how we are eliminating the most important ingredient which creates our reality which is belief.

Yes, 90 % of the time one does not know how to reach from point A to point B but if one knows that one will surely reach, if one believes then paths, opportunities will automatically surface as the answer to your how.

The chain does not work like this where you know the how and then you believe rather it is the other way round.

You have to believe and you will be guided about how.

Worrying from the beginning about the consequences is against the system of the universe as this thought energy will just attract similar worrisome circumstances.

So what do you do?

Whenever you begin to say I do not know how this will happen.

Just replace it with I believe it will happen the “how part” will get sorted on its own.

“I never get what I want” 

This belief is extremely dangerous. Why?

Because this belief system attracts only the unwanted things. It can be about anything . . . about any domain.

You can be like:

  • I never get whom I love
  • I never get what I deserve 
  • I never get my dream job 
  • I never get in shape 
  • I could never afford this

Eliminate the word never and see the magic in your life. I wish our brain was just like a paper where things could get erased and written so easily.

But it is not. So how to eliminate this belief of never which is deeply ingrained?

Repetition is the answer.

Be it repetition through NLP, journaling, or affirmations.

These powerful tools are my best friends as I touched the depth of them.

“I wish I could”/ “I can’t”

You are the creator of your reality. You manifest what you believe. This statement of “I wish I could” is placing you in a sorry position.

A position from where it is hard to attract miracles. Replace I wish I could with I would

“I’m not smart enough” / “I’m not good enough”

These thoughts will create a negative self-image.

These thoughts are dangerous because they are the root of several destructive thoughts. Want to know?

  • My boss hates me . . . root though = I am not good/smart enough
  • He lost interest in me; I could not make him happy . . . root thought = I am not good enough
  • This college/company will never take me . . . = I am not good/smart enough

There are several of these. Once I will start then it may take the entire . . . But you get the idea.

Wrapping up how thoughts are things?

The takeaway here is that everyone in this life wants happiness. The problem is that happiness which they seek from outside never exists. It exists within us.

We create it through our thought energy. You must become mindful of your thoughts.

All the workshops that you attend, books and tapes you list provide real benefit.

But we have it for a temporal basis because the foundation of our thoughts is shaken with limiting thoughts and limiting beliefs.

What is required by your par is to overpower your thoughts? Find this task as the best use of your time and energy for creating a miraculous present and future.

Before leaving decoder, please share one limiting belief that you have that is flipping your world upside down.

Before you go Know This Secret:

There is a world…

Where everything you want in life…

Can actually come true.

In this place…

You only have to close your eyes and dream…

And what you dream of…

Becomes reality.

This world actually exists.

But only a very small percentage of people in the world know how to get into it right now.

I am going to let you step inside for a moment, and see how it works.

Click here to step into your dream now…

And I’ll show you how everything – EVERYTHING – from the house you live in, to the relationships you’re in, to the amount of money that’s coming into your life…

Can change in an instant…

Once you know how to do this.

If this sounds like magic. . . it is. But it’s completely supported by science. You’ll see what I mean when you get there.

I have taken several manifestation programs and I KNOW they work. 

Can’t wait to see what amazing, “dream world” you create! 

 Prefer Watching a Video for how thoughts become things?

Here you go (download for later reference):


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My favorite FREEBIES for you 

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