You are currently viewing 10 Unbelievably Powerful Strategies of how to get Your mind off something

10 Unbelievably Powerful Strategies of how to get Your mind off something

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Thinking is the constant process vital for survival. All the major inventions you see around you first existed in thoughts and then in reality.

So in essence everything is created twice.

Powerful right?

It is the thoughts which provide value to the world. But it is the same thoughts which are capable of negatively affecting one’s life.

The most harmful thoughts are the thoughts which you do not want to think about. These are the thoughts which makes you question how to get your mind off something?

If I say that there was a yellow elephant who ran out of the park. And now don’t think about its color being yellow.

What Did you just do?

Your head just visualized that yellow elephant because I told you not to think of it. Right!?

So one thing is clear that the more you try to get rid of them . . .

The more restricted thoughts will float across your head, dancing in all directions.

The outstanding performance of thoughts will continue and the repeated chitter chatter will not seem to end anytime soon.

Why is that the case?

Because your mind is not retrained. But don’t worry, I will explain in detail about how to get your mind off something.


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PS : Don’t forget to grab the freebie at the end of post, specially crafted for you  !

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 The problem which i would first of all address is about the victimized role which one takes up. Have you?

Do you think that you have no control of your thoughts and they can all day and night shake around?

If yes, then you have to jump out of this prey character you think you are stuck with.

Know that you have full authority to lend any thought a residence in your brain.

You are in control. Is it that easy you ask?

Yes, it is. And I will tell you why this sounds so good to be true.

Well, because it feels natural to allow the mind to get lost in despair and worry.

You need to break the natural feeling.

And it is fairly easy.


Because now you are consciously mindful about this natural tendency of your mind and thus you can break and reframe it.

You will have to notice the thought patterns you have and then interrupt them before they become capable of giving you a headache.

Here Are Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources You Will Ever Need.

Strategy #1. Be the Watcher

You need to separate yourself from your thoughts.

Imagine that it is a physical entity which you can plug in to work whenever you wish and detach from your head whenever it gets out of control. How?

  • The way you do this is by just observing your thoughts. Do not judge your thoughts.
  • Do not think about your thoughts. The keyword here is to observe .
  • Just observe what is going on in your mind. Yes this is the impartial manner you call it.
  • Visualize yourself just as an inspector who is consciously witnessing the thoughts. Just like any public scene you would witness.

What are you in essence doing?

You are making your thoughts meaningless.
If you would not observe the thoughts then you would attach to it which will stimulate your feelings . . . you will feel worse.

But because you are just observing, you are disempowering them.

You are not allowing the thoughts to foster the emotions , your feelings.

So next time when you can not get your mind off something . . . practice this. You can do it throughout the day.

Example : Sally was insulted at her workplace in front of everyone. When she came home, her mind could not get off the phrase “ I was insulted” .

This looped for several hours. And finally stopped until Sally found my article! What she did instead was practising detachment.

She detached herself from the thought “I was insulted” , by removing I was . . .

Then she just as a nobody witnessed the thought which now has just turned to insult insult insult.

Instead of her insult , it became just another insult. She felt no emotion this time.

Sally successfully disempowered her thoughts. And right now winking at me!

If you have not met Sally then you might be new to our blogging world. Meet her here!

Strategy #2. How to get your mind off something with 

Special Meditation

Luckily Sally does not have to try other techniques! But good news.

I have other strategies for you so that you for sure get your mind off of something! Which you are hardly trying to!

Another way in which you can become an observer of your thoughts is through meditation.

You are reading this personal development article thus I definitely know you know the basics. Now as you are meditating and inhaling/exhaling, do this:

  • Be conscious of “in” and “out” As you breathe in, assume that thoughts are coming in and as you breathe out let the gooo. Release them.
  • Focus on your breathing for monitoring how your thoughts arise and pass away.
  • As you see your annoying thoughts coming in and going out, take the role of an observer.
  • You have to view these thoughts from a distance without having any self-talk and without passing any internal comment plus judgement. 

 Pin This for later FAM! 

Strategy #3. Name That Thought

Acknowledge the thought .

How to acknowledge them? By deeming them not more than thoughts.

The problem is that you attach so much yourself to the negative thoughts that you began to find them all true.

For instance, if you are thinking right now that “I’ll never get over this” then simply change the mental dialog to “I am having the thought that I’ll never get over this”

What you are doing by this super helpful technique is reinforcing the fact that you are not your negative thoughts.

You are different and they are different.

This differentiation is vital.

I am giving you one ninja tip here which is fun as well: When you acknowledge this thought give it a name. Call it douchebag or whatever And then repeat douchebag is saying that I Will never get over this!

See what works for you.

This reinforces the fact that you are not your thoughts.

Strategy # 4. How to get your mind off something by shouting no

Do you realize why people fail in blocking the unwanted thoughts?

Because they are trying too hard.
Because they are trying to escape in a wrong way.

Don’t try to escape from the thought rather STOP it on its track. Hmm powerful stuff here but how to do it?

  • The moment you feel the looping on. Simply say aloud “Stop”.
  • Yes vocalize. After shouting at it, you need to visualize a heavy metal wall slamming down the thoughts.
  • You can visualize that your thoughts are falling into a deep black endless hole.
  • You can also imagine putting all these thoughts into a balloon and then watch it floating away! Visualize in any way.

Strategy #5. Try ring Interruption technique

This technique involves the use of physical actions for interrupting your thought pattern. Follow along:

  • Wear any bracelet or ring.
  • Whenever your eyes see the ring , just notice the thoughts (here you can apply technique one: where you are just observing).
  • Then pull out that ring and pop it on your other hand. You are in essence blocking the flow through this method.
  • Keeping your head busy momentarily is powerful as it then becomes capable of thinking other things . . .
  • You can even go for bigger distractions like immersing yourself into something that involves brain power and focus. Like? Go over multiplication tables! Trust me it will distract you.
  • For larger distractions go on with memorization.
  • Memorize your favorite quotes, poems or even words from new language! This language part is my personal favorite.

 Strategy #6 . Challenge the Thought and Replace It

So far we have learned how to interrupt the thoughts and how to disassociate with the thoughts.

These elements are vital for retraining your brain.

Now you need to understand one thing that our mind does not like a vacuum thus it is vital for filling in the void by constructive thoughts.

We need to pour in new thoughts. If you ask why?

Then we at no cost want our mind to sink back into the old thinking patterns thus filling the void is vital.

Don’t allow it to divert back.

How can you fill in?

The most common and the easiest method of filling the void is by challenging and replacing it.

You will not agree more that our thoughts are extremely exaggerated.

Every other thought is highly exaggerated. Now you tell me that do we take the exaggerations seriously?

No, right.

We laugh it off and sometimes challenge it if it is hindering the truth.

You need to question yourself for the thought which you cannot get your mind off. . . is it something exaggerated?

An example of an exaggerated thought is I can never do anything right.

You need to question such thoughts as this cannot be entirely true. As you have been doing several things well on many occasions.

Now your task here is to get specific about a certain situation where you have won and it completely defies the thought.

Give concrete examples of your previous win to counter any thought.

That win can be against anything, not necessarily against career goals.

Value these positive reminders.

You will find it hard at first to shift the thought and work towards replacement.

But eventually you will train your mind quickly.
This will turn into your habit.

A habit which will give you the control of your whole reality.

A powerful tool which will always drag you out of self-sabotaging beliefs.

How to Get Your Mind off of Something [Best Way to Shut Your Mind]

Strategy #7 Practice Acceptance

Now what if a thought you experience is not exaggeration. If it is just the reflection of reality?

Well, good question!

In that case, where you have legitimate reason for trusting the thought, you have to calm your mind and clear your head through acceptance.

Take out a journal and write “I accept that this is happening with me” . . . “I accept this happened” now list down any actions you can take to improve or rectify the thought.

Seek out anything positive from the disturbing thought which you cannot get your mind off something.

Acceptance technique is the last resort which you can take when cannot take escaping , challenging , and stopping is not an option.

When the thought is not useless.

How to Get Your Mind off of Something [Best Way to Shut Your Mind]


Strategy #8 How to get your mind off something with Journaling

This is included as a separate technique for getting your mind off of something because it is transformative.

Journaling is an extremely powerful tool which I have become a fan of especially since life happened. It healed me .

It changed me.

Write down . . . yes get writing . Pour your thoughts not onto something digital but onto the paper. Feel the paper.

I have been through a rough patch where constant thoughts bother me, if you are my email friend then you already know and if you are not then become my friend today because I love you.

That phase taught me powerful journaling technique : Triple G (goal , gratitude, greif).

If you truly want a concrete strategy then I highly suggest you to look into it.

Any ways, back to this post. For now just let your thoughts flow else your time will be wasted.

Yes, the worst thing which I find about overthinking is the amount of time it wastes.

Till now you were allowing the thought to float timelessly in your head thus they were taking advantage.

But from now you will set a timer!

What ? Yesh you have to have a timer for these thoughts. Isn’t it great?

  • Set a timer for 10 minutes. And let out.
  • Everything in the journal. Every damn thing which is not getting off your mind.
  • Express through journaling in this worry time. You will not only get rid of the thought after 10 minute but also reach a creative solution. Your the veins of your hands triggers ideas in your mind. So write.
  • Seal the thoughts as you close the journal

Literally i cannot sleep before doing this journaling thing. I pour out my thoughts so they do not disturb me when I hit the bed.

And that is what exactly happened. As I close the journal , my thoughts get sealed with it. Try it yourself. [I have a course dedicated to life changing journaling technique]

Strategy #9 Take Mindful Action

After applying every technique mentioned above that can help, do not stop. Yes.

Channel your overthinking which is truly a pointless activity.

How good it would be if you could channel this thought into something productive?

Work towards your goals and priorities. Remember this is not a distraction but a real work.

A mindful action. That focuses on your life purpose.


Strategy #10  Prevention technique

Be mindful of the anchors. In neuro-linguistic programming, which I truly love, we call these anchors the trigger.

It is vital for you to know that which physical state, person or situation triggers your overthinking.

This Awareness will help you for the next time.

Final Thoughts on Decluttering Your Thoughts

Before you gooooo . . .

I know these were so many strategies.

And try them yourself and tell me the usefulness.

These strategies are the tools and think of them as weapons.

Now you can proudly say to yourself that you are well equipped and ready to face the next disturbing thought which will dare to mess around with your head.

Take the tools which you like , see what works best in retraining your mind constructively.

Decluttering is extremely vital not only for work but also health.

And health is wealth! Do not get discouraged in the start.

Your mind finds it hard to adjust to new behavior and Reaction patterns. But once it gets retrained. YOU WILL OVERPOWER YOUR REALITY.

Are you excited to streamline your life and eliminate these mental obstacles?

Which strategy did you like the most? I love to connect with the community.

I would love it if you would take 10 seconds out and comment. A proof you are ready to make a change!
I AND Sally are waiting! 

Before you go, Enjoy the treat below:

Video for how to get your mind off something:

(download for later reference):

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