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8 Insanely Powerful Ways of Reinventing Yourself (Passion & Purpose)

Learn how to discover your passion, but before that let’s know about Sally.

Sally wanted to be a teacher when she was 8. At 12 she decided to become a pilot.

Then in late teens, her decision switched and she got a new aspiration – to become a supermodel. Life threw its reality after college, SALLY HAD to settle for a 9-5 cooperative job.

She is now tied in the monotony. Whenever she gets asked how is her day going, she is like,


Who is sally? Sally is the average population.

She is the commoner. She makes a decent amount of the world’s population.

Did Sally make any mistake? Yeah, she forgot to self-talk. She did not give herself enough time to discover her purpose.

Is it too late? No, it’s not. Why?

Because Sally is still breathing.

Sally realized that it matters that one lives a meaningful life. After all, one is living life anyway.

If you truly want to know that how to discover your passion then this article has surely covered all the vital secrets to give you a head start.

(At the end of the post grab your free finding yourself workbook pdf or who am i workbook pdf)

If you are in college then extremely smart of you. But if you are living your mid-life and now deciding to re-discover yourself then YOU Deserve a standing ovation.

You have two choices: to live a life on purpose or let the clock run out meaninglessly.

And I know which one you chose. Let’s dig in.

How to discover your passion or purpose? What are they? Are passion or purpose same as a goal?

Well, no.

You need to realize that goal differs from purpose. The goal ends once it’s achieved.

While your purpose stays with you till your last breath. You continue to live your purpose until it’s finally time.

This purpose is the reason for your being.

It is the reason for which you get up every morning.
And we all need such a reason for welcoming the next morning with excitement. 


How to Reinvent Yourself With Values?

The process of finding passion can not get completed without tapping into the value system. The essence of your behavior is value.

What is that one thing that keeps you moving in the accomplishment of any goal?

It is the values you possess. These values keep on pushing you in accomplishing various life goals thus becoming the pivotal force in your life purpose.

Value → goal [accomplishments & milestones] → purpose [your true calling & the passion which ends when you die]

To give you a clear idea, assume that your goal is to buy a house and the underlying value behind it is you want a happy family.

Think of these values as a direction and these directions are meaningful.

These meanings are present in most of the career options.

The key is to decide the value of a career.

If you will choose the career first without identifying the value you will get out of it then is surely your purpose or passion.

So the key here is not to break the chain of links. Else you will get lost.

You need values, the compass for steering through life.

If you are like,

“Oh there are so many values . . . a person can surely get lost. ”

Well, you are right.

Some people will care about rescuing the planet the most, while there will be others who will die in protecting the wildlife.

Some people will possess values of taking care of their family boundlessly, in which care the purpose of their life becomes focusing on the welfare of immediate loved ones.

STEP 1: Discover your passion with Self-Centered Value

It is a personal value, as it is related to your growth as a human being.

The core values which are included in the personal values are:

  • Self-Kindness and Compassion
  • Personal Growth and Education { Someone can say my passion is to learn as it is extremely important. It keeps me growing}
  • Work and Career
  • Leisure and Play
  • Creativity Spirituality
  • Physical Self-Care and Health { Someone can say my passion is to take care of my body & remain healthy by exercise. If you are such a person then explore the layers. Why is it that important for you to stay healthy? What is your motivation? Do you want to get into a physically demanding career – keep shedding the layers by questioning}

Out of these basic personal values, your task is to rank and rate each value according to priority.

Are you like, “Oh this ranking is the problem. I can’t seem to make a decision. This is the tough part.”

3 ways to choose the most important personal value:

#1 How to discover your Passion when you are Depressed

You have no idea that your pain is your best teacher. It can best guide you about the stuff which you care about the most.

The process is simple.

Just reflect on your life.

See what you have gone through.

What were your sufferings? What did you lose? Imagine other people with similar sufferings. How does it impact you?

You might have lost something which can encourage you to help others. So they do not lose it the way you did.

#2 How to discover your Passion with Tombstone Technique

I have read this technique somewhere and GOD.

This is my favorite. Trust me, it will shake you. You can make this journey of finding your purpose easy by beginning with the end in mind.

Begin with the end.

Spoiler: We’ll all die one day. If we’ll remember this THE END then we’ll be in a better position of meaningful self-discovery.

Grab a sheet of paper and draw a tombstone. Write your name and a phrase beneath,
“A person who . . .”

Now, imagine your time has come.

You departed. Situate yourself in a time which immediately follows your death.

You are watching your tombstone being carved. The essence of your whole life is expressed in that very line.

What are you imagining that is being written?

The core?

Feel the words in your heart as those words reflect the vision that mattered the most.

What comes up? Is it something you wish you had not done?

Or you had done differently?

If that sentence on the tombstone echoes your life purpose then question yourself how far or close you are from that ideal life that you want to be known for.

#3 How to discover your Passion with Survival Technique

The best way to filter the personal value and settle on the most important is my survival technique.

Imagine that you are on the boat, about to reach the shore.

You have a bag that has all the personal values listed above.

Now, your boat is getting unbalanced and you will have to throw personal-values from the bag into the sea to maintain the balance and to reach the shore.

Pick out the values one by one without which you can survive.

Do this till you have a single personal value left. As by now, you have reached the shore!

And this value Is the direction which you should take in life.

STEP 2: Linking value with service for larger purpose

{If you do not feel the need of servicing and you are satisfied with the fulfillment of just personal value then you can skip this step}

Well, most of the time you want to self-grow and also serve the larger mankind.

Like you might want a career through which you could grow yourself and make a real difference in others’ lives.


  • Family
  • Friendships or Other Social Relationships
  • Community and Volunteerism
  • The Environment and Nature

This intertwining suggests that service values flow from your self-growth values.

For instance, if your core value is compassion{personal value} then you start a business to raise money for any cause and to raise public awareness. {Community and Volunteerism Service}

Before you dive straight into the useful technique of finding your true purpose, scan these VITAL KEY POINTS.

There are certain vital things that you must drill into your head before finding your passion. And they are briefed below.

Also Here Are Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources You Will Ever Need.

How to discover your purpose (2) (1)

How to discover your Passion with 8 KEY ACTION POINTS

1- Kill expectations of others

When finding your passion you need to detach it from what others expect of you.

Kill the expectations. One of the most important prerequisites in finding your purpose.

Don’t become a victim to people’s expectations.

You are a creator not a victim.

Choose the life you please, rather than the one decided by others.

The best way to put this practice is to make a list of everything that is expected from you.

From your job, appearance, sex, age, or marital status.

If hinted generally then these expectations can be about the type of job you must-have, the type of spouse you should have, or the type of appearance you should have.

Once you get this unhealthy list status quo, I wish I could say go against it but rather detach such expectation when finding the purpose.

This de-anchoring is vital.

Picture yourself as a ship. It has to get de -anchor from the harbor for conquering SEAS.

Similarly, win the tough tides of your life by freeing yourself from the expectations.

Why would you volunteer these things towards supporting the status quo?

Note: If you find this hard then just think that there are plenty of other people present who are blindly supporting the status quo for you.

2- Don’t switch the words.

Don’t mistake the purpose with the obligations and duty. This is the most common slip up found in the majority of people that they mix the TWO.

For instance, you might find yourself caught up in an under-valued job and you will justify working because you have bills to pay/family to look after.

If you are crazy about your job then yes it can become your purpose which also fulfills the obligation.

But if you just “ought to”do the job then this surely not the purpose – merely a duty. What to do in that case?

If you can’t leave a job because it’s a duty then pursue your purpose in parallel.

If you can enjoy the liberty to leave the job then follow your passion as that will automatically fulfill all your monetary obligations.

KEYNOTE: Do not fully volunteer your whole mind, body, and life towards something you despise.

3- Detach Money when discovering passion

When finding your purpose and passion detach the element of money.

Remember that force has to get exerted from the correct position else the force will not be useful. Take the example of a door.

If you will apply the force from the hinge, the pivot itself then will the door every get opened? No right.

By applying the same force to the other parts of the door, you will surely get the door moving.

The same is the case when it comes to finding a purpose that is here is the force.

If you will find the purpose while positioning yourself in the money worry then you will never be able to open the door of your destiny. . . of what you were meant to do.

Thus shift the position and instead of asking the question from money’s position ask it from the position of your heart.

Yes, money is vital. But it is bound to follow once you know your purpose and work towards it.

Right Purpose itself will wield the money so you could enjoy everything.

What mostly happens is the other way round. People decide their true calling based on high paying jobs.

They do end up in high paying jobs. But guess what. They experience a lack.

There remains a vacuum between them and their happiness, even though they are cramming their heads off 24/7.

So In short: [The equation is not money → purpose but purpose → money].

Alright, I get.

What is the workaround? You ask?
Well. question yourself,

“What would I spend my days doing if I didn’t have to worry about money?”.

To reach your true purpose you can better ask “How would I spend my days if I have 10 million dollars in my bank account?”

Note: Just remember this prerequisite when you will dig deeper into purpose exploration below.

4- Discover your passion through layers.

Every purpose has several tentacles like the branches of trees.

There will always be a target behind the target. So always go to the deepest layer or the target.

If you want to do X in life then it’s because you want to achieve Y which enables you to get Z.

This XYZ here forms just three layers but you can have as many as your mind signals.

Think of this purpose behind purpose theory as the mission statements of organizations.

If we talk about educational institutes then their purpose is to educate[X] students because they want others to achieve fulfilling life through education[Y].

So, you get the idea. There is no rule of the count of such placeholders XYZ.

But there are at least two layers and at most is determined by your mind.

5- Watch out airy-fairy sayings:

Don’t use the common saying,

“Do what you love and the money will follow” against you. Sounds confusing?

Well, passion is surely a driving factor in finding purpose but don’t mistake passion as an excuse for doing something comfortable and easy.

Yes, many do that. People have passions to live a financially independent life without working hard.

Some possess a passion for creating mindful life and that too without altering the deep-rooted flawed belief systems.

The fairy line is surely magical but only if you are not afraid of risking, working, and exhausting yourself for that passion.

6- Enjoy the celebration

Assume that you have already started the journey towards your passion.

If you truly want to confirm that it is your passion or not then try celebrating. Be it small.

If that celebration is giving you true happiness then great my friend your purpose is attuned with your destiny.

Though, there can be the opposite case as well. For instance, take John who receives the businessman of the year award every damn year . . .

But he feels some sort of lack in the celebrations. Yes, he loves his business and the empire he has set up.

But he feels the lack because he has not yet discovered the larger purpose which might be serving the community in any way. Who knows?

But one thing is clear that for all those years John has been chasing meaningless tokens.

Key Note: Success on the surface level does not guarantee that you have aligned with your true purpose.

7- Face it

One of the keys to identifying something as your passion is questioning yourself.

You need to question whether you can live with consequences of your choices.

Any purpose would not be a purpose if that does not own an element of self-trust.

KeyNote: If you can handle the consequence which you might face in the direction of living with a specific purpose then it truly is your passion.

8- Leap From Dreamer to Doer

We all are dreamers! Highly imaginative people!

You have been hearing that everything starts from a dream but no one tells you that everything can end from a dream. How can everything end?

If you will not switch from dreamer to doer. After finding your purpose, you need to become a practical dreamer.

I have seen people who after discovering their passion will throw themselves in the playful and fun part of their purpose, avoiding the difficult half.

This action then resulted in the draining of bank accounts and the straining of relationships.

After finding your “WHY” in life, remain true to the commitment. 

Final words for discovering your purpose and passion

Finally, I’m glad that you made it past this blogpost!

If you need life-changing assistance then I can’t stop mentioning my Triple G’s journaling technique.

With my journaling techniques, I have been able to spark two successful businesses and the third one is in the process.

Likewise, I have released myself from the haunting memories of the past [you don’t know?

Probably because you are not on my email list :( ] and with gratitude living more mindfully than I ever had.

Use of Triple G technique GOAL GRIEF GRATITUDE.

They may sound just small words but that is all that differentiates a successful life from an unsuccessful one.

If you are ready to create a future which you can’t wait to wake up to then be sure to sign up for the waitlist.

Anyways, I hope that this resource has provided you with the actionable steps needed for finding true life purpose.

Let’s have a quick fun interaction please, share what you want to be written on your tombstone in the comments below! A person who . . .

Before you go Know This Secret:

There is a world…

Where everything you want in life…

Can actually come true.

In this place…

You only have to close your eyes and dream…

And what you dream of…

Becomes reality.

This world actually exists.

But only a very small percentage of people in the world know how to get into it right now.

I am going to let you step inside for a moment, and see how it works.

Click here to step into your dream now…

And I’ll show you how everything – EVERYTHING – from the house you live in, to the relationships you’re in, to the amount of money that’s coming into your life…

Can change in an instant…

Once you know how to do this.

If this sounds like magic. . . it is. But it’s completely supported by science. You’ll see what I mean when you get there.

I have taken several manifestation programs and I KNOW they work.

Can’t wait to see what amazing, “dream world” you create!  

My favorite FREEBIES for you 

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