You are currently viewing 3 POWERFUL Tips For How To Believe In Yourself & Overcome Self Doubt

3 POWERFUL Tips For How To Believe In Yourself & Overcome Self Doubt

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Has the question how to believe in yourself and overcome self doubt flashed across your brain cells? I am guessing . . .


Liking yourself is very important.

Otherwise, you will have lower self-esteem and higher self doubt.

It will then cause you to experience a great deal of depression, anxiety, and other anger problems.

You will be in chronic pain with physical and psychological illnesses.

Before we dig straight into the 3 tips for how to believe in yourself, know one thing.

Valuing yourself must be your number 1 priority. 

Because life’s too short for not falling for yourself. It is too short to not get rid off self doubt. 

I learnt the hard way. After losing my dad, I saw the changing attitudes of people.

I saw who actually cares. It used to affect me but stopped when I began taking care of myself.

I became my best friend & You can be your best friend too. This self love mini kit is bound to help you. 


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PS : Don’t forget to grab the freebie at the end of post, specially crafted for you  !

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 Now, lets dive into the 3 effective tips for how to believe in yourself, overcome self doubt and regain self-value.

#1 How to believe in yourself with mindful meditation


Are you tired of understanding the process of mindfulness meditation?

In either case, allow me an explanation.

How many times do you only see the traces of self-hatred and depression, when you sit and ponder beyond the farthest edge of the night?

To get rid of the psychological conditions you have to open up your wisdom mind.

A mind where you only experience deep and peaceful feelings . . . quieter than the depths of oceans. That is the best way to improve yourself.

Mindfulness meditation ensures you blither with the bliss of the dusk . . .

But for that, you need to push yourself to dislike thoughts and hug the idea of self-respect.

You have to tune your natural state of mind with compassion and dignity for oneself.

The positive self-image and self-love already exist in your heart.

Just know that the process of being all aware is mindfulness.

Your mind reacts the same way as your heart. So it is exceedingly vital to release ordinary attachments of mind.

It keeps your spirits low.

Humans experience sleep and eating disorders as a result of an unhappy mind.

I hope I succeeded in clearing that gaze of curiosity about mindfulness.

The question strikes here . . . How to practice it?

Special Meditation

  • Mindful meditation is when you are conscious of your thoughts during meditation.
  • You must be aware about the basic meditation but this time you have to mindful of your thoughts.
  • Now as you are meditating and inhaling/exhaling.
  • Be conscious of “in” and “out” As you breathe in, assume that thoughts are coming in and as you breathe out let the gooo. Release them.
  • You have to focus on your breathing for monitoring how your thoughts arise and pass away.
  • Now when you see the negative self talk coming in and going out, take the role of an observer.

What an observer do?

One does not intervene.

Thus, do not have to pass any commentary or judgement on your thoughts.

Instead you have to view these thoughts from a distance.

Remember no internal comment or judgment.

Through this mindful meditation you have to detach from your thoughts.

I am not good at anything

#2 How to believe in yourself with Negative Self Talk 

Well, you don’t realize what negative thoughts are doing to your self-respect.


Because they are ingrained so powerfully in your head.

Due to those thoughts, I will never be able to experience high esteem , understand How to love yourself and how to overcome self doubt. 

Have you ever seen that cloud of debris after Storm?

That is exactly your condition . . . as if you are taming the negative thoughts within you which clouds your core.

  • I don’t like myself . . . Yes, that is you who become so unreasonable at times.
  • You start labeling yourself . . . “I am a loser.”
  • I am boring what an idiot I am and why am I so stupid?

Those thoughts will always trap a lack of self-confidence in you, leaving you powerless.

Those unkind judgments will only demotivate your self-dignity.
It will add up to the causes of low self-esteem.

If negativity has possessed you then?

You will likely overgeneralize stuff and use words like nobody and everybody.

Only negativity encompasses your eyes in every situation devoiding self-happiness.

You won’t even spare that poor waiter.

As you will be like ‘Oh my God that new boss dislikes me . . . look at the way he treated me today.’

Your distorted mind-reading ability has made you react in such away.

With no trace of a positive self-image, you will likely take the blame on yourself.

For you, that boss was unhappy because you must have transferred negativity . . . or you must have said something which was not appropriate.

Get rid of those types of self-concept.

It might be the possibility that something has happened with him 20 to 30 minutes ago.

He may have had his bad day for his reasons. but you no no no no you have to get into the root, place your picture there and shout on the face of EARTH I don’t like myself.

I don’t care about myself.

Then 3 steps are vital for handling negative thoughts.  

These are keys for how to believe in yourself, how to feel better, how to love yourself and be confident. 

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_I'm not good at anything_ - 3 POWERFUL tips to counter this Inadequacy (1)


Step 1: Dealing With Reasonable Thought 

First of all, you need to realize the cause of negativity is the extra baggage of the past.

Instead of drowning in the deep sea of negative thoughts you need to change your encounter with your past again.


By acknowledgment.

I know there must be incidents where you experienced guilt, regret, and self-hatred. 

Where you shouted I hate my personality or hate being myself.

Instead of torturing yourself in the memory of those thoughts. . . just give them a little acknowledgment.

Once you acknowledge, you have two choices:

You can either reject the self-image which your past gifted or accept it.

If everything was true then you have to accept [from the previous article about acceptance].

Just summarize all that why is it true and how will you change it. Write it down, fold that paper, slipping it into your pocket.

You have to carry it with you just for a day.

Carry the summary as a symbol of a reminder that you are aware of those memories and past incidents.

Notice that while despite carrying that paper, you will have a fun-filled day.

Just feel yourself with satisfaction from all the past negativity 


Also Check Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources Which Will Ever Need.

Step 2: Dealing With Unreasonable Thought

The past incidents can also give you unreasonable self-image and in that case:

  • Reject them. (remember the exaggeration we talked about earlier?)
  • Grab a paper, ink out all your negative feelings and burn that paper with a lighter.
  • The physical sensation of burning will get registered by your senses and the brain will take it as is.

I am not good at anything (3)

Step 3: Diminishing Negative Effect

If you have been penning the untrue or true negative thoughts for long then they can get rigid.

Thus we treat them further with the diminishing formula.

Let’s dig into this self-love technique and weapon for how to love yourself:

  • You need to separate yourself from your thoughts. Imagine that it is a physical entity that you can plug into work whenever you wish and detach from your head whenever it gets out of control.
  • The way you do this is by just observing your thoughts. Do not judge your thoughts. Do not think about your thoughts. The keyword here is to observe. Just observe what is going on in your mind. Yes, this is the impartial manner you call it.
  • Visualize yourself just as an inspector who is consciously witnessing the thoughts. Just like any public scene, you would witness. What are you in essence doing?
  • You are making your thoughts meaningless. If you would not observe the thoughts then you would attach to it which will stimulate your feelings. . . you will feel worse.
  • But because you are just observing, you are dis-empowering them. You are not allowing the thoughts to foster the emotions, your feelings. So next time when you can not get your mind off something . . . practice this. You can do it throughout the day.
  • Here you will repeat whatever you had written onto your sheet to yourself (before admitting or burning).
  • Repeat every moment of the past which has hurt your self-esteem in one way or the other.
  • Let’s see an example: You got fired. Repeat I got fired three times. Immerse yourself in that experience and just feel that day. Repeat that word for 60 seconds.
  • Note your experience with that word and all the emotions attached will fade away. That word will just become a word for you with a sound without any real concrete sense.
  • Negative thought about being a loser or ugly floats through your head then you should repeat the loser for 60 seconds till it loses the sense or emotions which you have attached with it.
  • You will now stand in a position of rating. From 1 to 10, see how distrusting that word or phrase means to you.
  • Be loud to reduce the emotional impact of the word or phrase.

But my friends don’t be loud enough to force your neighbors to call a mental rehabilitation Centre. . . for what?

Your admission!

Step 4: Increase your interaction with positive thoughts (final)

After burning some thoughts and accepting a few. Now is the time of replacement.

Remember your brain hates a vacuum. It can not stand that void.

If you will not fill in something then it will do that for you. So work for replacement of negative thought.

Grab that overgeneralizing thought and strangle its neck.

How? by believing that some did better but performed worse than you. Examples:

  • If you have a negative thought which you don’t like I am an idiot as I flunked in paper instead of labeling myself as an idiot you might come up with a replacement thought  . . . It was a tough paper. I will prepare better next time.
  • She is much smarter than me . . . but I have my strengths.
  • If I have not done that thing in the past everything here would have been better… good things to say about yourself: It taught me the real essence of life . . . I have become way stronger than any other person.

# 3 How to believe in yourself with Mindful Appreciation

Believe in yourself by appreciating small things around you, only then you will be able to appreciate yourself.

How to raise your self-esteem through it?

Take the smallest thing which you can find. Like:

  • Take the aid of two raisins and eat them mindfully.
  • Spend At least 15 minutes for getting fully aware of what is in your mouth.
  • You have to pick the other and scan the details of the raisins . . . from it ridges till its stem, from its color still its aroma.
  • The love story of yours and raisins does not end here. You need to feel it between your fingers by rolling it while experiencing the sound it makes.
  • Before throwing raisin into your mouth, several thoughts will burn across your head.
    You will be like what the hell? Are you wasting my time . . . I don’t think it will work as it has nothing to do with mindfulness. Most of all why even I am eating it when I dislike it to a great extent.
  • Now you have to give these thoughts a warm reception and welcome them cordially.
  • The moment you throw that raisin into your mouth you have to bite it and feel the flavors bursting out.
  • The best thing which you can do is place the raisins in different areas of your tongue.
    You will experience a completely different taste. One which you would have never experienced . . . if you would have heedlessly eaten without pondering. That’s the difference between mindfulness and mindlessness.
  • Keep in mind that you have to chew very slowly to experience intense taste. You are missing a lot in life if you are not being mindful.
  • Now grab that second raisin and trust me. the taste which you will experience this time will be different. You will experience a completely different sensation . . . when that raisin will travel through your throat down your stomach.

Through this mindful appreciation, you are forced to like everything present around you.

You have to appreciate it by being mindful of every creation.

In that way, you will be able to appreciate yourself.

Final words for how to believe in yourself 

Magic is bound to happen in your life when you will view yourself much higher in the game . . . when you will believe in yourself.

Recall your achievements and treat yourself through a self love bundle for keeping yourself above.

This bundle will surely help because it stands on a vision that every one deserves a happy life. 

This kit will be constant reminder for you.

It will remind you as to why you are the best.

Before you gooo. . . 

Any thoughts on improving self-esteem activities?

Aim to try all?

Isn’t it so easy to like yourself?

Repetitive practice of the tips above can remove a long penned self-hatred.

You should surely try the awesome new methods used in feeling inadequate.

Time to throw low self-opinion and extreme self-hatred. Embed the importance of self-love.

But if you still feel like hating yourself then read this text for a quick boost.


And don’t forget check: 

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