You are currently viewing 15 Powerful Low Self Confidence Tips [Amazing Self Confidence Formula]

15 Powerful Low Self Confidence Tips [Amazing Self Confidence Formula]

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 Scared to stare yourself in the mirror while questioning how to overcome low self-esteem and insecurities?

Let me explain the feeling inadequacy definition.

The emptiness in your soul matches the spiritless sky . . . that featureless waterscape around you.

You feel the pain of your existence and you feel your energy disappearing.

But don’t crease your forehead? Don’t tell me you didn’t!

As I will guide you how to get your confidence back through self confidence forumula.

Low self value, Low self esteem and insecurities has broken all the records when a teenage girl faked her own kidnapping.

Why? To get her ex-boyfriend’s back.

If she would have referred this source, I could have advised her to get self confidence back instead.

I won’t say see where the world is going, rather I would comment that it is just the mentality of feeling inadequate which betrays you.

Be aware of the importance of self esteem.

Just hush those self-critical thoughts, which make your life a living hell and low self esteem.

Your teachers or close ones may have criticized you in the past, lowering your self image.

They might have left a stain of an awful memory in your mind by hurting your self respect.

You might have been bullied badly at school or have tasted failure in exams. Bear in mind that all this happening will make you say

  • “I am not good enough” . . .
  • “other people never like me” . . . ”
  • I am a complete failure, truly unlovable.” . . .

These critical thoughts will really suck your confidence, giving you low self esteem.

But you have to challenge this inner critic by a complete reasoning process.

Before we dig straight into the 15 powerful ways, know one thing.

Feel loved by loving yourself.

Is it that easy? You have no idea how much!

Because life’s too short for not falling for yourself.

I learnt the hard way that why loving yourself must be your number 1 priority in life. After losing my dad, I saw the changing attitudes of people.

I saw who actually cares. It used to affect me but stopped when I began taking care of myself.

I became my best friend & You can be your best friend too. This self love mini kit is bound to help you. 


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PS : Don’t forget to grab the freebie at the end of post, specially crafted for you  !

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15 Self Confidence Formulas: How to be happy with yourself?

You don’t have to change a thing but just Put your sunglasses of appreciation on.

Print the worksheet below, as this checklist will help you in identifying yourself.

Then throw your success party. Widen the Horizon of the word success.

No success is big or small, it is the angle with which you see the world.

1- Gain self confidence by shifting your mindset

A repeated thought is a belief and this belief dictates every result in your life.

You attract circumstances because of your belief.

Every action you take is based on your belief system.

If your belief system is composed of, “i am not self confident” then this belief will influence your actions and you:

  • Will never take any risk.
  • Won’t be able to make a good decision.
  • Allow the opportunities to flow

So it all started from the one thought you had. One day you thought that you lacked self confidence.

Then you fueled this thought repeatedly into your head until it turned into a belief.

This belief disabled you from taking life-changing actions. This belief system further made you FEEL underconfident.

You vibrated with this energy and ,as everything is energy, like attracts like.

You attracted all the energies which in a form of life events consolidated and validated that you lack self confidence. This is exactly how it worked.

The law of attraction is what we call it.

Of Course you did not lack self confidence when you were born. What changed? What made you this way? Your mindset.

The thoughts. The beliefs.

The actions and events. So who is the culprit? Yes, the thought.

I highly suggest you to change your mindset and get a detailed idea about what your thoughts can do here.

What can you do for now?

Be mindful of what you are thinking and reject negative thoughts.

All you need to do is record those self-critic comments which will inundate your inbox of the brain for a week.

Don’t push waves of criticism away instead note them down and select top 5 by the end of the weekend.

Now practice a logical approach and through proper reasoning challenge the fault.

Question your own beliefs which are promoting inferiority complex.

Let me provide you with a proper example:

“Everyone is unhappy with me “

Now question yourself. . . Do I Really care about everyone? Maybe whoever is happy with me is a complete selfish who became closer because of his own reasons.

They lack good character, not me. So I don’t care …

“I can’t do anything right”

Why? I have been told that I mismanaged the whole event and spoiled the presentation.

Now question yourself. . .

It is not I who mismanaged, it is a fault of short-term unplanned notice which they gave to prepare the event.

I have done several right things in the past 5 years.

I have accomplished milestones with my own proper organizational skills.

Let’s throw pearls of wisdom to your head . . .

Mother Teresa once said that each person is created for loving others and to get loved. She strongly believed that self respect and love can heal several wounds.

It surely can nurture a stagnant growth.

Thus, you deserve the love of yourself.

Now you know how law of attraction is linked with thoughts.

People ask me why they fail at it?

They ask me why they can not manifest true loving friends , or a loving partner who can die for you. (again it has to do with your mindset)

You know what I tell:

Because you are desiring them from a state of lack. You are desiring them from a state where you have kept them high above the pedestal on yourself very low.

Magic is bound to happen when you will view yourself much higher in the game.

Recall your achievements and treat yourself through a self love bundle for keeping yourself above.

I have really interesting story to continue from where I left.

I wanted a person to become friend, he was my senior. I admired him.

We barely contacted each other on whatsapp.

I, as a mindful practitioner of the law of attraction (I say mindful, because we unconsciously practice the law of attraction any way and attract the things we do not want in life.) knew that I needed to admire myself more than him so that he could actually take notice of me.

And you know after few months I received a text message which goes something like, “May be I can become your best friend one day”

It is not even about manifesting a genuine friend.

It is about our interaction with people in day to day life, professionally or casually.

People are bound to get inspired by you in the first interaction if you radiate a self confident vibe.

Of course I have flaws, insecurities, guilts & regrets but they are not more than love which is a treasure for myself.

How I began love myself the most? Through investment.

I dedicated time and budget for myself .

Yes, I invested in myself.

I explored effective ways of loving myself.
You need to learn exact dreamy ways of cherishing your existence.

Treat yourself to the next level through Self Care Mini Bundle.


Also Check Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources Which Will Ever Need.

self confidence formula (4)

 2) Don’t be hard on yourself : Self judgement

Don’t question why I hate myself?

Realize that judgment is not important.

Respect yourself and take the inspiration from a young child.

He plays without inhibition. Then gradually with time, he learns to evaluate and judge.

Keep in mind that judging yourself constantly keeps you down. You will feel difficulties when you want to rise up.

Learn how to be yourself and head back with a positive attitude.

Else it will gradually lead to negative emotions . . . which you will not be able to control by the end of the road.

I presented you the example of a child because I want you to treat yourself like one. Keep high self esteem.

Assume that you are in a constantly learning phase of your life.

Try to forgive your mistakes as you do of children.

Bear in mind that you have to love yourself unconditionally as people love children.

  • Well for this, you have to transform the self-judgement into a new memory.
  • You need to write down the critic and it will diminish the intensity of the judgment attached to it.
  • Imagine that you have a pretty Garden. Apart from one plant, every other plant is blooming. But you tend to sway your attention only to the one which is struggling.
    What will happen?
  • In no time you mind will filter out the appreciation of other beautiful plants. You will completely forget that they too also exist.

Similarly, when you see yourself in the mirror.

  • Contemplate about your being.
  • You only tend to focus on your mistakes and your shortcomings.
  • You ignore the rest of your positivity and strength.
  • Let’s try to look in the mirror again but with love and high esteem.
  • You need to look yourself deeply into your eyes with heartfelt loving kindness.
  • Stare at yourself . Instead of saying I don’t like myself, today look beyond wrinkles and blemishes. 

3- Eliminate stress

If you ever find questioning yourself that Why do I hate myself so much?

Then that is because of the stress of several things.

You have to notice the stress in your eyes, acknowledge it and understand it.

Trust me that when you will understand your stress with compassion, it will dissolve.

With the addition of a kind of half smile, you will touch your core with acceptance and kindness

4- Find self happiness

You may feel inadequate because you don’t have genuine people around you.

Those who can make you feel special. No issue at all. make friends with a bird in your garden.

Don’t forget to talk to the bird daily even if it is only about throwing a “Hi”. Make sure you give that bird a name.

5- Personalize your life more

Do one thing every day that will make you smile.

If you can smile by even drawing faces over the eggs then do that.

No matter how crazy the activity is but if it can spread a smile then wear craziness.

6-Get rid of the rule book.

Every person has some set of rules which one impose.

There are certain actions which a person will not perform.

Why? Because of the fear of appearing stupid in front of people. If you want to be the best version of yourself then let go fear.

These rules are set because one loves to stay in the comfort zone.

But you have to step out of it and break all the chains of limitation which are holding you back.

You do want to feel self-assured.

Get out of your comfort zone and dress in an unusual way.

Don’t style yourself normally but try something different and new like:

  • Try things which you will never ever think of wearing. This will increase your self confidence. It will give you great courage to do those things which you will never do out of the fear of being commented out.’
  • You can perform things in a simpler setting like an elevator. Take the selfie in an elevator and don’t feel awkward.
  • Let go of yourself and do funny things.You can make hilarious signboards and then put them near your window. Catch the reaction of people on the innovation.
  • Bump into any stranger, ask for the directions of a certain place and then? Go the opposite way. This will leave the direction-giver completely bemused.But do you care? Just hold in high esteem and smile my dear.

Be a totally opposite version of yourself. keep in mind that you are doing all this because you don’t care what people say.

self confidence formula (4)

7- Accept that you are perfectly imperfect

You are not a perfect individual so stop at every point where you think of criticizing yourself.

You will not get rid of low self esteem and lacking self confidence if you point every finger at your own self.

Stop taking the entire blame.

Laugh your mistakes out. If you messed up so what?

In fact make mistakes with an intention as only then you will realize that it is okay to make mistakes.

If someone asks you to push the button of the elevator then intentionally push the wrong ones.

This will give you confidence that you are not a perfect individual and won’t do exactly what you are told.

Get rid of the fear of being judged by this method.

8- Increase your self worth

You can face any situation by actually putting yourself in danger.

Speak in mind that self esteem and self confidence is gained with time.

You can build a new life by actually appreciating yourself. 

You will only be able to appreciate yourself if you face life in a tough way. As only in that way you can be proud of yourself later.

Now how to face Life so that you can be proud later? Try survival skills.

You can attend any survival training course or any other skill.

This will give you great self confidence.


You will realize that you can do anything in the world.

You will get that you own such a great capability.

Thus, it will stop you from underestimating yourself in any way.

Pin This For Later FAM! 

15 Powerful Low Self Confidence Tips [Amazing Self Confidence Formula] (1)

9- Surround yourself who value you for boosting self respect


Be around those people who will make you feel yourself who realize your actual worth and stand by your side.

10- Do something unusual for improving your self pride


Once you stop struggling against certain things, you can learn how to overcome low self esteem and insecurities.

  • Stop by and attend an open audition.
  • Sing in front of judges.
  • Be on the spot.

Yeah, this is a hell practice which will make you talk in front of a large crowd.

This week you have to handle your nerves but you can do it.

You must have gotten the idea that I am suggesting you those things which will later make you proud of yourself.

You will gain more than an average person.

11. Trust yourself . . .


For once don’t weigh things according to their pros and cons, instead be bold.

Be ready to face challenges and fears.


Have you ever thought of directing and acting?

I bet no! Now is time. Just put on a play.

I can sense that though flashing across your head . . .

It is not as easy as it looks.

Go and challenge yourself by preparing a show for a small audience.

This small audience can even be your friend circle.

I’m not suggesting Shakespeare, leave it for later! Instead, grab any 15 minutes play.

12-Stop validating for raising self esteem and self worth

You should hate the idea of validating. But guess what? You don’t.

Instead, you love validating Yourself by comparing yourself to others.

A complete wrong approach. Direct no.

The best practice is to go on a social media detox as that tops the list of this root cause.

Don’t flip through the profile as this can be completely destructive behavior.

13-Stop being self conscious

As a human, you are bound to compare and not only that . . . You are forced to Aspire.

Don’t get exposed to the images of a so-called perfect life.

It will lead towards low self esteem and insecurities. Ditch such platforms.

14-Compliment others

How to overcome low self esteem and insecurities with the help of people?

Learn to compliment them.

By complementing you will not only make others feel happy, but you will get back positive energy.

This will make your day.

It’s not that you only compliment those people who you look up to but even compliments the strangers.


Well, storm into the town, head towards several shops for fun, simply compliment at least one person when you visit any shop.

You will feel as if your life is changing
You will not experience feeling inadequate by realizing your self-worth.

Be independent of the validations of others.

What people are saying should not be your concern. It should not affect you in any way.

When you heavily rely on people’s opinion to a great extent then you tend to diminish your own judgment.

This, in turn, diminishes your self confidence and self esteem.

15- Overcome low self esteem and insecurities by TAKING THE FIRST STEP

Final words on self confidence formula

Any thoughts on improving self esteem activities with these self confidence formulas? Aim to try all?

No more questions of why am I not confident as I know you are .

Keep in confidence without being harsh on yourself and without commenting I hate being me.

Trust me, there are endless benefits of high self esteem, self care and self confidence.

For a more comprehensive, easy and effective self confidence I will highly suggest you to check this self care bundle.

Before you go:

Check the treat below!

And . . .



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