You are currently viewing 33 Dreamy Self Love Practices You Must Know When Life is Tough [EASY]

33 Dreamy Self Love Practices You Must Know When Life is Tough [EASY]

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It is time to pamper yourself by taking good care. The importance of self-love is valuing your self-worth.

If certain changes to your lifestyle could boost your self-love then go for it.

SPOILER: You Only Live Once ! 

Before we dig straight into the self-care ideas know one thing.

Feel loved by loving yourself.

Is it that easy? You have no idea how much!

Because life’s too short for not falling for yourself.

I learnt the hard way that why loving yourself must be your most important life priority.

After losing my dad, I saw the changing attitudes of many.

I saw who actually cares. It used to affect me but stopped when I began taking care of myself.

I became my best friend & You can be your best friend too. 

P.S. If you want to look at your inner self then know yourself fully. If you are interested in journaling then I have been working on a self-discovery journal available on amazon. Analyze your life, self-reflect and self–discover your hidden potential.  If you are someone who wants to connect with the inner self then you will love the deep prompts in this journal. Life is short, thus why not have the best out of little moments!

Now, Let’s dive straight into self love ideas:


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Self Love Practice #1: Mindful Eating

Do you ditch the idea of healthy eating and throw whatever you see into your mouth?

This attitude in turn shapes one into a fairly unhealthy and youthful individual.

At this point, a complaint wavers on one’s lips . . . why am I getting OUT OF SHAPE?

The answer lies in the lack of self-awareness.

  • Choose the right diet instead of grabbing food like a starved individual in famine. Monitor your mouth.
  • Put the brakes on your eating at moments when feeling stressed, anxious, or overexcited. WHY? Because it’s easy to lose awareness of what is going on in your body, how hungry you feel, and what the best food is for you at that time.
  • Drink about 3 liters of water daily for cleaning your body and eliminating the toxins. Examine the oil . avoid hemp oil.
  • As it will add most of the fatty acids inside your body (omega-3 and omega-6)
  • Make sure to always have leafy Greens veggies in every meal of yours whether it be cabbage, spinach, lettuce.
  • Sprinkle a bit of parsley and watercress over your food. you will get the sparkle of minerals and vitamins surely visible onto your face.
  • Feeling low about your living situation? You will feel so better to snack on seeds as the zinc and sunflower seeds boost energy to a whole new level.
  • Replace white items with brown whether it be sugar, bread, or rice. As brown items are more healthy and cleansing for your immune system.

2 -Add Humor in your life

One of the best self love practices is trying to be more humorous not for others but yourself. Intentionally find humorous situations.

If you 100% want to get the solution of How to love yourself and be confident then maintain a spark in your life by being playful.

Create self-love moments. No One will do that for you.

  • Sail on the journey of making hilarious signboards and place it near your window. See how people react and ditch the fear of being judged.  Board can have a picture of your pet with a label: Fully equipped with weapons, this pet refused medications. Beware!

 3-Journaling for success

I cannot stress enough how journaling can make your day. It is indeed the most powerful self love practices.

It has the power of seeping in all your stress and delivering you your desired future (manifestation).

I highly suggest you get writing either before sleeping or right after waking up whatever suits you.

My love story with journaling is quite old.

Get into the habit of taking care of yourself.


SPOILER: You Only Live Once ! 

I became my best friend & You can be your best friend too. 

Talk to yourself.

More over,  I do not refer things which I have no idea about—this is the journal which I have put together myself so would recommend checking it out for self discovery!

This self discovery journal is sure to help you.

You need to learn exact dreamy ways of cherishing your existence.

Take treating yourself to the next level,.

This Journal will allow you to put things in perspective, to actually look at your inner dialogue.

If you are not yet aware of it then I highly suggest you see triple G’s super journaling technique.



Also Here Are Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources Which Will Ever Need.

4 – Practice Detachment

You might seem odd at first, but you are surely capable of keeping your phone away for some time.

Enjoy that alone time.

If you are sitting alone with your phone then you are not alone.

You are more than occupied and you are encountering several people virtually.

It is preferred that you find a day for yourself where you do not occupy yourself.

Unplug for preferably for a day or a few hours. 

5 – Recipes

When was the last time you tried a new recipe? Can’t remember?

Dig into your kitchen.

You can especially try baking. I have been baking since 12 (but by far I have only mastered chocolate brownie and vanilla sponge cake )!

It is really rewarding as not only it boosts your skills, but it also becomes therapeutic.

6 – Making your own space

This is one the interesting self love practices. You need to question yourself: what turns your space into a magical one?

For me it is the fairy lights.

For you it can be candles.

Just treat yourself by recreating your surroundings so that they make you happy.

7 – The mess around you

There is a huge probability that messes around is creating a mess in your head!

So get rid of unwanted things for freeing your mind.


8 – Time for treating your body!

Start with refreshing your skin with a face mask, then go for a warm bath and then moisturize your whole body!

9 – Let your nails SHINE! Yes, dress them up

When was the last time you wore your favorite nail color? Don’t remember? Try this.

10 – Learn to say No

If you are doing certain things while compromising your happiness, just so that others do not feel bad, then you need to stop.

If something just does not feel right, do not do it.

You can channel the time in doing things that you truly love instead and those which align without your values.


11- Get your mind off anything?

How awesome it is that we can get rid of the constant chatter!

Negative thoughts are capable of draining your entire energy, no matter how much you practice techniques of self-care.

I highly suggest that you learn practical ways of sharing your thoughts.

If you have not scanned these 10 powerful strategies of stopping the thoughts then you are missing on a lot! (of what? happiness)

12 – Go through your old childhood photo albums

I consider this one of the cutest and adorable self love practices as you refresh your mind by reliving the moments.

Pin This for later Fam ! 

Self-love When Life is Tough - You Decode (1)

13 – Self love practices through Ted Talks

Ted talks can surely make your energy levels high when you are feeling down.

14 – Prepare your favorite warm beverage

Be it coffee, green tea, hot chocolate, or just tea.

15 – Self love practices includes Reading Something

Sink yourself into the other world by pulling a book and reading a bit of it.

16 – Remove toxicity

You need to remove toxicity around you and it is one of the vital element of self love practices. Get rid of unwanted people in your life who just seep away all your energy.

Unfollow the negativity from every possible domain of your life (every social media handle)


17 – Find new inspiring people

Befriend the energy boosters.

Have you ever experienced your energy mounting up when you interact with genuine people?

Like, attract like! Find, & befriend.

If this sounds challenging then today contact the genuine people. Bring positivity to your life.


18 – A gratitude list is therapeutic

You can either make the list while journaling or maintain a separate one.

The way I do it is mentioned in triple G’s journaling technique.


19 – Goal setting

This is one of the useful self love practices. I expounded the importance of setting dreams and manifesting them in my journaling technique.

But you can plan in any way you like, Just plan and ensure that you witness progress.


20 – Feel the freshnesss

Have you filled a satisfying feeling when you hop in a fresh, new bedsheet? If yes, then why not do it right now?

21 – Bring in new plants

Get closer to nature by bringing in new plants.

22 – Dress Up

Dress yourself up even if you are not going anywhere! Valuing yourself is one of the most powerful self love practices. 

23 – Go all for art!

Draw anything you want. Let your creativity flow even if you think you possess none (which I surely do not believe in!)

Get coloring printables and get going. You can even paint it.

What you should paint it? Your feelings! The canvas itself will be filled.

24 – Show time!

Re-watch your all-time favorites shows.


25 – Nap my friend

You will not agree more that how satisfying it is to hit the bed before bed time. So? Include naps in your routine!

26 – Reconnect with your friends

When was the last time you made a get together plan with all your friends and even that failed?

Yeah you recalled it!

So now treat yourself to reconnect.

Virtual reconnecting is best for this moment in time! So go for video conferencing . . .

27 – Planning ahead

Plan a bigger adventure for the time when things will eventually get better!

Just plan it, add it to your bucket list and feel nice about it.

28 – Get all crafty

If you love journals like me then you can prepare a colorful bullet journal.

self love

29 – Befriend Morning Routine

Try conquering your mornings for a fulfilled day.

Wake up early, watch the sun and enjoy the quietude. 

30 – Get bigger things done first

Plan your to-do list, the boring and biggest task first. Why?

You will be in a position to appreciate yourself more. Yes, that self pride on a small achievement.

31 – Get Some Fresh Air

When was the last time you went for a quick walk, consumed some fresh air, and listened to the motivational podcast?

If it has been long, then you should treat yourself with this dose of motivation.

32 – See the future

Budgeting will make you feel that everything is under control. Go for this reinforcement.

33 – Pick a new hobby

You might be having ample of time at this tough life situation.

What can be better than mastering any skill? Nothing right? So, Give it a shot.

You can even learn a new language.

34 – Implement these!


Wrapping up self love practices

I deem that it is a way to sort your life’s problem without the aid of seeking external therapy.

People seek external sources for mindfulness and there is nothing wrong with it except for a fact that they are missing out on self-talk And self-discovery through the power of journaling.

Which one of the self love practices will you implement?  

And do not forget to check the freebie right below! 


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