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How to Activate Subconscious Mind | Reprogram your subconscious mind

Why dreams fail and what can be done instead “The Power Of The Subconscious”

The subconscious mind is quite a heavy term right!

What exactly is it?

Why do you need to use a subconscious mind?

Because it has the potential to make your every dream come true.

Are you like . . . is it some sort of magical lamp? Well, yes.

But remember that this lamp has the potential to work against you and in your favor.

Back to our dreams before we dive deeper into the subconscious mind.

Dreams are what keeps us going.

These inspire each life and without them, any life is just colorless.

You must have dreamt of something when you were a kid . . . and then the dreams change their shapes as you grow older . . .

they never die because they do not have the capability.

Until your last breath you will just dream and wish for anything, the difference is to see whether you would have achieved it or not.

The state of dreaming itself is extremely interesting to analyze as it reflects the subconscious mind.

Has it happened with you that you “want” or “wished” for anything and you saw the same in your dreams?

You are nodding your head I Suppose!

We have by far established that we all are dreamers . . . but why only some get what they want while others fail?

Also Here Are Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources You Will Ever Need.

Why do dreams fail to manifest?

1) Not Believing

Now think about All those achievers whom you grew up praising.

They had one thing in common they dreamt, set realistic goals, believed, and achieved.

Without these steps, they could have accomplished their mission.

Do you see the word believed there?

That’s when the subconscious mind comes to play.

2) Dreaming about everything

All the achievers set out for one big thing.

They had a concrete mission.

Yes if they would have dreamt of several things then it would have weakened their spirit and consequently the determination to achieve them.

Their subconscious mind was fed with a single dream which had to transform from abstraction to something concrete.

If you want a subconscious mind to work in your favor then you have to CHASE that one thing a moment.

Are you like Eisha?

I have many dreams and I want everything!

Well, one thing at a time girl.

Let your subconscious mind drill the idea of what you most want . . .

this way you will not only accomplish it but quickly accomplish it.

Crowded up passions seem unachievable.

The age you are in right now . . . is the age where you will have plenty of dreams.

Your dream of college in no time translates into a successful career and family life.

So what is the drill?

Prioritize the dream instead of going towards excessive fancy dreaming

3) Pursuing the wrong goals?

Do you really know the difference between a job and a calling?’

Have you been fed up by the term “calling”?

Has it rightfully sunk in? No, right?

Well, a job fills up your dinner table but calling is the satisfaction of your consciousness. . .

SOMETHING to die for.

People keep switching from one job to another. . . they try to find the best settling job but guess what nothing will settle because they should search for a calling instead.

Let me tap my tale. . . I was pursuing computer science . . .  a typical science student I was.

I was so good at science because I had to be good.

It was a global trend where every good job gets offered.

I knew I would succeed in science and I would have if a moment of contemplation would not have hit me in sophomore year.

I accepted that I was on the wrong train and thus hopped out of the station to pursue designing.

So what is the drill?

Review your choices again . . . if the choices do not align with your dreams.Quit for larger satisfaction.

4) Dreams fail because they lack a supporting tank

Yes, supporting tanks. Others, especially the loved ones are intimate support.

If one has to take lonely decisions then it weakens the strength, strengthens the fear.

Once that fear sinks into the subconscious mind . . . that dream is doomed for sure.

5) Motivated enough?

Sometimes dreams simply fail because a person is not motivated enough.

Many people quit too quickly.

Are you passionate enough?

Let me tap my tale . . .

I stepped into this blogging world 2 years back, immediately after my dad’s death.

I used to fail at every step.

Even after a year, I had zero success.

But the persistence has given me miraculous results today.

I am able to talk to some amazing girls like you over the email where they literally take my advice.

Enough of satisfaction to light some one’s life.

Dreams will become reality if you let them grow rather than quitting in anger or frustration far before creating a system.

Before ENGRAVING it so strongly into your subconscious mind.

You need repetition of that dream in your mind else it would never sink into your subconscious mind where all the magic happens.

That simply would not cut it. So what is the drill?

  • Grab a pen and paper.
  • Write the scale . . . tell on the scale of 10 to what extent you are motivated
  • How many years can you wait before quitting?

HINT: The answer should be FOREVER

How Our Mind Works

Now some really juicy stuff! How does our mind work? Is it still a mystery?

The physical aspect of our mind is the brain which carries all the interconnections tasks like signaling every organ what to do and when.

Then what is mind!

Ah . . . it is just like the soul or spirit you call.

If the brain is the guider of your body then the mind is the main guider of your life.

It takes decisions.

It is you.

It will not be wrong to say that you are your mind.

Heard people saying You are your consciousness.

I have no intention to play matrix or other such movies here!

But to put it simply, let’s say that your mind is divided into half. . . conscious and subconscious.

Conscious Mind

  • The domain of the conscious mind is logic, reasoning, and sense.
  • It starts developing early and lasts until the grave. (little the child little consciousness which eventually grows with one)
  • It is the all-seeing eye.

Subconscious Mind

  • The domain of the subconscious is to store all emotions, beliefs, and memories.
  • Our personalities are controlled by it because it controls our emotions.
  • Our actions are controlled by it because it contains all our beliefs which limit our approach

Law of attraction works on the basis of a “belief system” and such systems only exist in your subconscious mind.

To attract more of what you want and eliminate what you do not want, you
have to reach that belief system in that subconscious mind.

Now that you know the importance of our subconscious mind let’s see how to make it work in favor of you rather than otherwise.


subconscious mind

How To Make Your Subconscious Work For You


1) Be mindful of your thinking pattern

You need to be mindful of what you think as the thoughts if repeated have the capability to sink into the subconscious mind.

Now, what do I mean by suggesting repeated?

Well, 90 of the thoughts you will have today are the same thoughts that you had yesterday.

Thus, there is natural repetition and we are designed that way.

So you will have to be extra careful when it comes to thinking.

Just do not think about anything.

Eliminate negative thoughts and whenever possible replace it with a positive idea.

If you will have a negative thought then in no time it will convert into a belief. . . law of attraction remember?

You will attract nothing more but negativity.

We discussed above that one of the reasons for dream failure was related to the lacking support system.

Don’t let the discouraging words of anyone sink in.

If you will take it seriously then it is like feeding negativity into your subconscious mind and attracting exactly that.

“I am not good enough to achieve that. . . .”

If someone has ever said to you and fed it as a belief without questioning or denying then you have been developing your subconscious mind against you.

In such cases, people do not need any other person to destroy their dream because the subconscious mind does that for you.

Instead, just think about the positive “I have got this” . . .  repeat it . . . believe it for feeding into the subconscious mind. . . magic is bound to happen.

What is the drill?

  • Eliminate negativity (stay away from such people/media/memories)
  • Affirm this: “I can, I must succeed no matter what, I must achieve my goals successfully without evil methods.”
  • Repeat

2) Know the power of visualization

Visuals, visuals, and visuals. . . they are just taking over.

Every visual is around you to make your imagination run wild.

Thoughts when combined with images they get really strong.

Yes, strong enough to sink into your subconscious mind.

Remember we are finding the best approaches to make your dream dive into the subconscious mind.

We have talked about repetition which is done through affirmations.

Another strengthening element is the visuals.

If I tell you today that you will get a root canal tomorrow sharp at 8.

Do you know what will happen? You will not only think about it but images will overtake your mind.

You will find yourself sitting at dentists, panicking, and terrorizing.

What is the problem? Or benefits (if right image combined)? The thoughts and images will become extremely intense to the extent that they will merge with reality.

So what is the call?

  • Practice positive visualization only
  • Have a vision board to imprint the images into the mind of your dream (and watch it)
  • Practice visualization before sleeping and immediately after waking up to make things more concrete.

3) Perform Affirmations

If you want to completely eradicate the failure of your dream then strengthen your positive belief system with repetition.

Affirmations are nothing complicated.

These are just the statements repeated overtime regarding one particular goal until you get it.

Fire up the intensity of your dream by feeding it as a repeated thought.

4) Start Journaling

Now I have been telling my journaling story quite a lot on this blog.

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