You are currently viewing 7 INSANELY EASY tips for Career Change at 25 [starting new career at 25]

7 INSANELY EASY tips for Career Change at 25 [starting new career at 25]

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You are clearly unsatisfied. I was too.

The great news is that you want to get rid of this dissatisfaction.

Why is it great?

Because the spoiler is we all die in the end.

The best tip which I have for you right now is :

Begin with the end in mind and you will always be satisfied with a new/old career choice.

If confusion is floating across your head then just do a quick mental exercise.

Visualize the moment right after you depart from this world.

For meaningful self-discovery you need to imagine that your time has come and now one phrase is written on your tombstone.

It is the essence of your life.
“A person who . . .”

What did you imagine getting written?

It was the core value of your life which you stood by.

If the value gets aligned with your career option then you are sure to achieve career fulfillment.


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PS : Don’t forget to grab the freebie at the end of post, specially crafted for you  !

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Career change Confusion

You need a career change because right now your core value does not align with your current career.

(you will also find how to find your values in the post below)

Right now, you surely are in that phase of life where your heart is battling against your brain.

My organs also fought at some point!

After this blog post, you will be able to decide for yourself about a career switch.

Be ready to erase any doubts which are about a midlife career change.

Let’s relate and dig into my career change story

Hopefully you would like to know?

I can picture you nodding your head, and if not then please do!

Anyways, I used to own a perception that I was never the one who says I have no idea what I’m doing with my life.

Honestly, medicine as a career option wasn’t my cup of tea.

Want to guess why?

Simply, because the sight of hospitals used to scare the crap out of me.

My dad used to say that you will faint before treating the patients!

Well, he was right.

I refuse to choose a business career path because I had more of a scientific mind.

So what’s my point?

I filtered my career choice through the elimination method.

I’m sure you are with me on this one that the majority of the people choose their career through trial and error method.

It all boils down to this that I was so sure that complications would never seep into my life as I HAD a clear vision.

You must be wondering had I compromised on computer science purely?

Well, no.

I treasured an interest in solving problems, innovating new stuff, and accepting challenges.

All in one packed in computer science!

After having done my A-levels in computer science and a freshmen year, my brain came back to senses.

It finally decided to spill new confusing career ideas.

It suggested starting over.

Here is the interesting part, I questioned myself what do you think you are doing?

The next scene was landing up in the registrar’s office with a major change form.

How did I get into a new career?

  • Felt neglected by my other skills.
  • Tough routine (8 am till 7 pm) of computer science kept me stagnant.
  • Realized not being 9 to 5 people.
  • I can’t sit in front of the screen and code for hours . . . boring for ME.
  • Interested in motion graphics, documentaries, designing, and town planning, etc.
  • These all areas of my interest were offered in Communication and design.
  • Worked great in computer science but not gifted.

My personal perception:

I need to be above average to compete in the race.

I wanted to become a master of one, surely not computer science.

career changes at 25

7 simple steps to decide a revolutionary new career overnight:

How many times do people change their careers?

According to research, people do try to find out other fields or job roles after five years.

As they believe it increases their demand in the market.

Let’s dig into the steps they take and the ones which you have to pursue.

STEP 1: Identity what are the Signs of career change anxiety?

  • You feel redundant. You say I feel incompetent in my career.
  • Fear of getting no job/firing
  • You remain ill, under stress.
  • Your Mondays are like . . . not again!
  • Frustration together will uneasiness will flow inside you leading towards depression
  • Not meeting deadlines or prevailing procrastinate.
  • Seeing disturbing dreams about your career and future
  • Experiencing physical fatigue like neck/back pain and irritated eyes.
  • Your physical appearance ditches you and makes you look as if someone has stolen your car keys.

Meet any of it? Fortunately, there is a solution.

Time for a career change.

STEP 2: Identity what are your fears of career transition?

The heart signals us for considering a career change.

But my mind intervenes!

It populates the idea that after achieving financial stability nothing will go wrong.

Moreover, how frustrating is it when many people intervene in finding a new career for you?

Different people mean different minds owning different perceptions.

They will pour their career change ideas onto your brain.

Cooking a mixed vegetable inside your head!

At this point you start to hate your life.

You must consult only a couple of trustworthy people when truly wanting to start a new career.

But there are more important things to know first.

Career change ideas of people will force several questions to burn through your head.

Like a blazing fire!

Popping questions when starting over:

How will I finance a new career, this is way too costly?

Research shows for people new career means, again years of education with those sleepless nights.

I don’t want to be a student again as the earlier experience had given me blood tears.

No to starting over.

How will finding a second career guarantee me success?

It will burden me with a greater sense of responsibility so I should stay where I am what if I lose even what is in my hands?

What if people I am surrounded with are right about the blunt statement that I will never be able to make it?

Do I see the positive attributes?

Like unlimited motivation of career transition in me which can break all these walls of fear?

I want a new career but what if it is too late?

I have really chosen the wrong career.

As of now I have gained enough bad experience but I will not let my children repeat the same mistakes.

What the ***

What if I compromised?

Though I hate my job and I want to quit it. But what if I switch careers next year?
What new career shall I pursue?

I wish for a sudden inspiration badly. As I need a career change but don’t know what to do.

After answering these questions, wait, there’s more but before that :

Please Pin This Fam For Later

How I kicked my fears?

I shifted from CS to CND (communication and design) and I heard several whispers. Some loud enough!

It all boils down to ignoring those whispers.

Being on scholarship at the university, I could read several eyes pleading.

Asking to embrace the suck of my new decision!

Those eyes suggesting you deserve better than communication and design.

My ear allowed statements like science students shifting to humanities?

Want to guess what the other ear did? Yeah thrown such statements about my midlife career change out!

Taking a risk is the best favor which you can do to your life, to yourself

Why do some people not choose a new career and remain satisfied?

Unsatisfactory shitty jobs or careers will make your life a living hell.

A surge of regrets will follow ahead.

So avoid that . . . be ready for a quick career change. A journey of setting yourself free.

Want to know why?

At least their bills are getting attention.

But guess what you should realize in a nick of time?

A protest should waver on your lips if your job != passion.

This is a symbol not equal to the python language!

If you have gained enough experience in your field then you are not forced to serve that career your whole life.

You see my point, right?

Life is short thus add some spices to it rather than exhausting your field to an extent that you began to hate it.

Stick with me now.

career changes at 25

Step 3: Identity what are the best second careers?

I do want to change my career but to what? I need career change ideas.

But where can I find them?

Guess what? No response.

This is a result of listening to your heart as your mind will betray you at this point.

Want to know why ideas are not populating in your head?

Your mind has left you all alone.

It is harassing your decision and asking to choose for yourself.

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution . . .

Refer back to your values: You do not need any counselor to tell you the idea, your values will do that for you.

Values for career change at 25

This was the major mistake that I made when I was diving into computer science.

I did not reflect on my values.

If you are looking for a career change then it is vital for you to tap into your value system.

What is the value?

The thing which keeps you moving – the pivotal force.

Every goal which you have stems from your value

Value → goal [accomplishments & milestones] → purpose [your true calling & the passion which ends when you die]

The values are meaningful directions.

Next time when you weigh any career, weigh the meaning (value) the career has for you.

What most people do is take the opposite route.

They will dig into the career first and then attach a value with it.

The reality is the value is a compass. The first element in the career selection chain.

There are so many values that a person can get lost.

This blogpost not only lists the basic fundamental values but also details 3 strategies on picking up yours.

What next in career change at 35?

Now you need to make a list of other career options that align with your top chosen value.

At this point, think of these two options:

A new career that is somewhat related to your current field. Or something in the south – completed distance.

This tip will make your selection easier.

Additionally, you can make a list from the recommendations mentioned above or consider these sources:

  • Use career key website’ as it sorts the career choices by our interest or you can you queendom test. Whichever site helps you.
  • Use the Lifeline of a close friend for new career exploration!
  • Visit list courses from your favorites universities online. See which course interests you the most.
  • Meet with people of your dream occupation along with people who they offer service. You have no idea how helpful that can be.

I know that’s a lot to take in, but bear with me . . . It is time to jump over to the next step.

Step 4: Identify how you transition into a new career by answering questions?

After jotting down your interest areas from the list or other sources, immediately answer these.

What is the motivational drive attracting you for starting a new career?

Which skill set do you own for excelling in this new career path?

What is your awareness level about the practical job in the new field from day to day basis?

Why changing career options sound exciting?

Can you scale the difficulty level which you will face when seeking a job or in a career shift?

Are there several retraining aspects of this job?

What are your sources for funding your new certifications?

Also Here Are Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources Which Will Ever Need.

Step 5: DECISION -Shall I switch careers?

Change your career if all your thoughts, behaviors, and actions are under your control.

You will truly deserve the benefits of switching to a new career . . .

Just be true to yourself and ready to show utmost willingness.

Your decision will demand your persistence, willingness, and hard work.

Studies show a person must be ready for the challenges which you may face during a career transition. 

After which you will feel that pleasure of success swirling soon within you.

Invest your time and energy researching.

Step 6: When shall I not go for a career transition?

If you are not willing to sacrifice anything then career change will not help you.

The sacrifice can be in the form of a cut-shot in your finances to fund your new certifications . . .

The sacrifice can be of those sleepless nights gifting you eye-bags.

Sacrifice ANYTHING, I also made a sacrifice for my second career.

To switch a major, I had to get my semester frozen.

I had to sit at home for quite a time as I got late in my decision.

Do something different.

I salute those who make a career transition out of dissatisfaction, as that is the true act of heroism.

Every career change means you will not achieve triumph until you face the risk.

You should not transition to new career options unless you are sure of one thing . . .

that your happiness lies with the change of career.

Question: Is it time for a career switch? After all, research says:

Tenure plays a vital role when considering a career transition.

The years served to vary from field to field.

The time interval for which you have been committed to your field helps you in decision making.

Step 7: Practical steps of how to make a career change?

Let me break this down for you . . .

Career transition can stretch from 3 months to a year. A new career could be your own start-up.

If you are questioning that How I can change my life with no money?

Then here’s how . . .

  • You can take a loan for your business or support your education. Remember time is money. Only if you are not financially stable then get a loan. But take action with a proper strategic approach.
  • Dig into the courses which provide you certifications today.

Research shows that in this era reconsideration of career is deemed as a positive sign.

With the rise of different complex careers, the transition becomes a form of evolution for many individuals.

Final words for career changes at 25

Take the decision before watching your last breath divorcing your soul.

How awesome is that?

What should I do before starting a new career?

Just start it!

Get rid of that shitty career if the pen’s edge is resting into your mouth . . . and you are wondering what the hell am I doing with my life?

You need to ignore people’s suggestions.

Amazing, isn’t it?

Stand strikingly proud at your decision of career change.

Just give your new career a time without letting your patience wear away.

The most important thing is never to complain to people.

Honestly, no one likes the moaner but those who own the courage to accept the voice of their heart.

Excuse me for being brutally honest.

Not a single person whom I met, including myself, ever regretted the bold decision.

If you truly plan to explore yourself then I can hear echoes of one thing right now . . .

Of your success.

Comment down what do you think.

Ready for it or still confused?


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