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Self Worth Affirmations | Self Esteem & Self love Affirmations For Women

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You know what self worth is?

The building block on which your whole life stands.

Self worth is responsible for making you who are today.

The way you see yourself is vital why? Because:

  • It is the way others see you
  • It decides the actions which you take in your life
  • It manifests what you do/do not want in life (law of attraction)

Interestingly, we all are born with that self worth as after all we are the reflection of this universe.

But that self worth seems to fade away due to:

  • Childhood experiences (hurtful past)
  • Bullying
  • Negative self talk

Surprisingly, it is not that hard to rebuild the self-worth.

One such technique is the use of affirmations.

Through these affirmations, you can feed new positive beliefs in your subconscious mind while simultaneously replacing the negative limiting beliefs about yourself.

Before we dig straight into the self-worth affirmations, know one thing.

Feel loved by loving yourself.

Is it that easy? You have no idea how much!

Because life’s too short for not falling for yourself. I learnt the hard way that why loving yourself must be your number 1 priority in life. After losing my dad, I saw the changing attitudes of people. I saw who actually cares. It used to affect me but stopped when I began taking care of myself.

I became my best friend & You can be your best friend too. This self love mini kit is bound to help you. (I have my story by in the end for you)

For now, drill some key points in your mind so that affirmations could actually work for you.

  • Script or perform journaling for your favorite affirmations so you make the idea more concrete.
  • Repetition is vital. 5 minutes every morning, afternoon and night will suffice for repeating the list
  • Believe what you affirm by – counter the negative thoughts which make believing seem impossible.

Here Are Some Related Untapped Posts – The Last Resources Which You Will Ever Need.


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PS : Don’t forget to grab the freebie at the end of post, specially crafted for you  !

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Self Worth Affirmations

  1. I love myself unconditionally
  2. I make time for myself
  3. I give up bad habits for better body
  4. I adopting new habit for better self image
  5. I look after my physical health
  6. I practise ideal self care routine
  7. My body always supports me
  8. I do not tie my self worth with the way i look
  9. I am missing nothing
  10. I am not my body
  11. I do not overthink
  12. I practice kindness to myself every day
  13. I am not my dress size
  14. I am capable of recovering on my own
  15. I wear power and confidence like a coat
  16. I am born leader
  17. I capable of chasing whatever i want
  18. I am successful.
  19. I know all my “whys” in life.
  20. I am beautiful.
  21. I am attractive.
  22. I love myself.
  23. I am succeeding in every goal
  24. I trust myself more than anything
  25. If i will put my mind into anything then i am capable of achieving it.
  26. I can do anything.
  27. I speak my mind.
  28. I own a great intuition
  29. I am extremely wise
  30. I am intelligent
  31. I am capable of defending myself.
  32. I am a winner even if i lose
  33. I am a warrior and fighter
  34. I follow my gut.
  35. I love to do things my way without regrets
  36. I fight for what i believe
  37. I am always hopeful.
  38. My happiness depends on me
  39. I am capable of rising above hardships.
  40. I love to take care of myself.
  41. I am proud of all my small and big accomplishments.
  42. I am naturally polite.
  43. I never hide who I am.
  44. I let go of the expectations.
  45. I do not force any relationship, instead let my relationship happen naturally.
  46. I recover every dating hardship
  47. I love and respect my partner.
  48. I will continue to develop a healthy relations with people
  49. I will communicate clearly and kindly with my partner.
  50. I deserve a healthy relationship.
  51. I own such big heart which is capable of forgiving others
  52. I will compromise where i want
  53. I will never afford anyone devaluing me
  54. I feel proud to be independent
  55. I deserve to be appreciated
  56. I value the people whom i love
  57. I am healy and attractive.
  58. I am free of negativity.
  59. I am beautiful on the inside and outside.
  60. I am comfortable with myself.
  61. I think positively
  62. When I look in the mirror, I see beauty of my soul
  63. I feel good about myself.
  64. I love and own my skin.
  65. Universe has made me naturally beautiful.
  66. I acknowledge and recognize that I have true beauty.
  67. I possess inner beauty.
  68. I am an original. No other piece like me.
  69. I love the way I look.
  70. I love the way speak
  71. I have a friendly, positive, & outgoing nature.
  72. I am capable of attracting others with my charisma
  73. I am transforming into a more confident, & beautiful person.
  74. I am perfectly imperfect in few domains of my life and i accept it
  75. I take pride in who I am.
  76. I accept myself deeply & completely.
  77. I am immune to all sorts negative thoughts
  78. I am internally validated.
  79. People trust my expertise.
  80. I am a proven leader. I lead my life. I create my life
  81. I am an excellent decision maker.
  82. I maximize success in areas of my life.
  83. I never shy away from pushing the limits to get the most out of life.
  84. I reach higher and further every day.
  85. I enjoy my work and look forward to my car.
  86. I am that one unstoppable soul.
  87. I have all that it takes to turn dreams into reality.
  88. I will use my success to help others.
  89. I own a heart that will build my coworkers up as I grow.
  90. I belong in my position of power.
  91. My actions speak louder than my words.
  92. I work in silence and let my achievements make noise
  93. I push rough criticism.
  94. I validate every thought before making it sink to my subconscious mind
  95. I am powerful and highly capable.
  96. I am getting rich and successful everyday
  97. I am capable of managing my money well.
  98. I work for my own self and my own gain.
  99. I know how to balance family and work
  100. I treat my family with love and respect.


    self worth affirmations (1)

  101. I am loving & understanding toward my family.
  102. I treasure my loved ones
  103. I enjoy small moments with my family.
  104. I appreciate what my parents have done for me
  105. My family wants me to be happy.
  106. I practice selflessness with my loved ones.
  107. My life is better because of my loved ones.
  108. I am a positive role model.
  109. I will do what it takes to change and feel better.
  110. I am a good provider.
  111. I learn from every setback
  112. I use every criticism of my improvement & benefit.
  113. I am not easily shaken by adversities
  114. I am a fighter who makes a lemonade when life throws lemon!
  115. I take every step in the right direction. It is meant to teach me something
  116. I learn from any failures and push forward.
  117. I am capable of scaring my greatest fears.
  118. I have important things to say.
  119. I am considerate of myself & others.
  120. I will do what I love.
  121. I walk & act with purpose
  122. I am the only one who needs to understand my choices.
  123. This is my life, & I will live it on my conditions.
  124. I have the potential to make a positive impact.
  125. I do not doubt my potential for I can do what has never been done before.
  126. I fight for my rights.
  127. I am capable of creating my own space.
  128. I am an extraordinary individual.
  129. I do not care what others think of me.
  130. I love that i am never afraid of trying again
  131. I am capable of turning all my complaints into solutions.
  132. I am not defined by my situation
  133. I choose to be happy right now. I love my life.
  134. Today I choose me.
  135. I am confident and strong.
  136. I believe in my abilities.
  137. I am in control of my life.
  138. I deserve it all
  139. I love all my flaw
  140. I am limitless
  141. My belief on myself is infinite
  142. I do not need to be perfect
  143. I am capable
  144. I am persistent!
  145. I am in control of my reality
  146. I am the creator of my reality
  147. I am enough
  148. I can figure out everything
  149. I deserve all happiness
  150. I deserve all the attention and love
  151. I deserve success and wealth.
  152. I own unique abilities
  153. I deserve worthy relationships.
  154. I am growing everyday
  155. Good things come naturally to me
  156. I am a magnet. People love me.
  157. All my loved ones respect me.
  158. I respect the limitations set by me.
  159. I deserve love and respect for being as I am
  160. I am making a difference in the world
  161. I matter to myself
  162. I value my worth
  163. I own great talents to share with the world
  164. I own a great potential of making my dreams come true
  165. I have a great potential within me.
  166. I deserve to get whatever i want
  167. I love the person I am turning into
  168. I am getting better day by day
  169. I own the power of changing anything
  170. I am capable of making wise decisions.
  171. I love my abilities and capabilities
  172. I reflect self confidence.
  173. Being confident comes easily to me.
  174. I do not need validations from others
  175. My skills are valued
  176. I am self reliant
  177. I am creative
  178. I am a unique individual who does not to prove herself
  179. I am capable of finding the solution of every problem
  180. My past cannot make me a prisoner of my past mistakes
  181. I own all the abilities to change if only i wish
  182. My decisions only rely on me
  183. I adapt to new experiences
  184. I am living a rewarding and beautiful life
  185. I rejoice every ounce of loved received
  186. Success is written in my stars

    self worth affirmations

  187. I inspire others
  188. I attract all the positivity in my life
  189. My mistakes are not failures, they are the stepping stones to my success
  190. I am continuously growing
  191. I trust my abilities and skills
  192. I own a healthy self esteem and self image
  193. I have been refined by life like a diamond
  194. Universe is always with me. I am never alone
  195. Opportunities always know my door
  196. I dont keep negative feelings in my heart and negative thoughts in my mind
  197. I love my own opinions
  198. I exhale fear and breathe confidence
  199. I can not be half loved because i am full of life
  200. My name is “worthy”
  201. My value can not be measured
  202. I am on a journey with myself
  203. Comparison never distracts me as i am busy with falling in love with myself
  204. I know several ways of honouring myself and i am learning many new
  205. People’s opinions about me reflects who they are not me. (whether positive or negative)
  206. I am compassionate with myself.
  207. I can overcome any block
  208. I am capable of more than my potential
  209. My best source of motivation is myself
  210. I am grateful for all my life lessons as they have refined me
  211. I already have what i want
  212. i easily let go what is needed to be gone
  213. I own an abundance mindset and live from it
  214. I let go everything that is not capable of serving me
  215. Everything which i need is already present within me
  216. I own an unshaken faith
  217. I have more strength than i think
  218. I am braver than what i seem
  219. I am a magnet for miracles


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 Self worth Quote# 1

Clothes and courage have much to do with each other. —Sara Jeannette Duncan 

Self worth Quote# 2

When you forgive, you heal your own anger and hurt and are able to let love lead again. It’s like spring cleaning for your heart. —Marci Shimoff 

Self worth Quote# 3

We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat. They do not exist. —Victoria, Queen of England

Self worth Quote# 4

If I ever did manage to find a law to live by, I would break it. —Exene Cervenka

Self worth Quote# 5

You have to be taught to be second class; you’re not born that way. —Lena Horne

Self worth Quote# 6

When I fight, there is usually a funeral and it isn’t mine. —Henrietta Green

Self worth Quote# 7

I came out of the womb a diva. All it means is you know your worth as a woman. —Cyndi Lauper

Self worth Quote# 8

it is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere. —Agnes Repplier

Self worth Quote# 9

You can cry, but don’t let it stop you. Don’t cry in one spot—cry as you continue to move. —Kina

Self worth Quote# 10

I’m comfortable with money and it’s comfortable with me. —Diana Ross,

Self worth Quote# 11

I can never remember being afraid of an audience. If the audience could do better, they’d be up here on stage and I’d be out there watching them. —Ethel Merman

Self worth Quote# 12

The more you do, the more you are. —Angie Papadakis 

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Before you goo . . .

If you have been following my blog then you must know how much I focus on the thoughts you think.

Because I know that once they seep into your subconscious mind, the thoughts will convert into beliefs and drive your actions.

And this has very much to do with the law of attraction.People ask me why they fail at it?

They ask me why they can not manifest true loving friends , or a loving partner who can die for you.

You know what i tell: Because you are desiring them from a state of lack.

You are desiring them from a state where you have kept them high above the pedestal on yourself very low. Magic is bound to happen when you will view yourself much higher in the game.

Recall your achievements and treat yourself through a self love bundle for keeping yourself above.

I have really interesting story to continue from where i left. I wanted a person to become friend, he was my senior.

I admired him. We barely contacted each other on whatsapp.

I, as a mindful practitioner of the law of attraction (I say mindful, because we unconsciously practice the law of attraction any way and attract the things we do not want in life) knew that I needed to admire myself more than him so that he could actually take notice of me.

And you know after few months i received a text message which goes something like, “May be I can become your best friend one day”

It is not even about manifesting a genuine friend. It is about our interaction with people in day to day life, professionally or casually.

People are bound to get inspired by you in the first interaction if you radiate a self love vibe.

People will automatically love you, if will love yourself and this is not just a saying.

We are living in a world where everything is energy.

This scientifically proven that our feelings get released through energy.

The reason why you catch negative or positive vibes of different people is due to this very radiation. If I talk about myself. I radiate self worth every second.

Of Course I have flaws, insecurities, guilt & regrets but they are not more than love which is a treasure for myself.

How I began love myself the most? Through investment. I dedicated time and budget for myself .

Yes, I invested in myself. I explored effective ways of loving myself.

You need to learn exact dreamy ways of cherishing your existence.

Take treating yourself to the next level through Self Care Mini Bundle

I cannot stress enough the value which the bundle provide, as the mind, body, soul products have got you covered from inside out. 

Back to this blogpost girl! 

Tell me which one is your favorite affirmation or quote by dropping the comment! 

And do not forget to check the freebie right below! 


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My favorite FREEBIES for you 

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This Post Has 6 Comments

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  4. Isa

    These are really helpful affirmations. Glad you shared!

  5. Malorie

    Outstanding affirmations!

  6. Tilly

    It’s a great article regarding ! fully defined, keep it up.

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