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50+ Powerful Money Affirmations | Abundance Affirmations That Work

If yes then you need to flip your belief system. A bit of effort will be required from your end.

This blogpost will be heavily expanding to your belief system regarding money issues.

There can be a probability that you think money does not flow easily to you . . . 

Also Here Are Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources You Will Ever Need.

But this might be just your perception.

And such a negative mindset can be changed by following affirmations.

You might be already aware of what the formations are.

These are simple statements that are repeated so that they sink into your subconscious mind.

Remember that anything that resides in your subconscious mind is a part of your belief systems and belief governs your life.

Thoughts are things

Before straight away diving into wealth affirmations that work.

Know that anything that you are attracting in life has a direct relation to your belief system.

Any act which you do is forced by your belief system.

If someone is to ask what life is all about then your life is a model of your belief system.

So it is very important to know what actually is part of the system.

You need to become mindful of what your thoughts are.

Because everything starts with your thoughts, even your beliefs.

  • What have you thought lately regarding money?
  • Was it positive or negative?
  • Were you like that why this person gets to earn more when you deserve better?
  • Were you like I didn’t get the job because I was not going to get it anyway . . .

News flash ‘i am not good enough’ were you like I am working twice as hard work but still getting pennies?

All these thoughts can be completely irrational . . .

Or the thoughts can be what the reality reflects . . .

But have you ever questioned that thought came first or the reality?

Let me tell you it was your thought.

Not the other way around.

If you believe in the law of attraction which is the seventh universal law then you also believe that your situation is never permanent.

You’re constantly manifesting different reality is based on your thought process or your mindset ah, fancy word.


Let’s dig into this word deeper before diving into powerful money affirmations.

Scarcity mindset

You might have heard of the term scarcity mindset.

This is just the name of your weak belief system. A mindset which houses all your negative thoughts.

If you own the fear of the unknown and money will never be enough for you then you are thinking from the position of scarcity.

That is the feeling of lack . . .


How mindset is linked with affirmation?

Well, affirmations are a powerful tool that may help you shift your scarcity mindset into an abundance mindset so that it will attract more money in your life.

Through affirmations you are reconstructing your belief system.

And remember a new belief system means a new reality.

You might have heard about affirmation on social media.

You might already know that there are just positive statements that you keep repeating.

Most importantly these are such statements that you might not believe in the present moment.

But remember that is our goal.

We need the stream of positive words to build up so that our subconscious mind could pick up.

You need to rewire your brain and reconstruct your thinking with the help of these affirmations. 


Money Affirmations

Affirmations are Prayer for wealth & prayer for money

Repetition of affirmations will surely develop your faith so that you take the actions accordingly and attract the miracles of the same energy level.

If you want to do an x amount of money by the end of next month then just repeat it and have faith that you will.

Know that what you want already exists in another reality and we just need to match its frequency for attraction.

This proves that the law of attraction is not only the mind game but it is also a science game.

If you want to know more about how the law of attraction works and how you can attract much energy, then this blog post will get you covered with the details.

Are you ready to utilise the tool of affirmation in anything you want?

Specifically money here?

If yes then let get started with powerful money affirmations.

Money affirmations that work

  • I am a money magnet
  • Money flows to me in every direction
  • I am releasing every resistance which is coming in my way of attracting money
  • I deserve a positive cash flow in my life
  • Money is always sufficient for me
  • I am a natural attractor of good fortune
  • I enjoy financial freedom
  • My income is more than my expenses
  • I am paid more than my knowledge
  • I enjoy a positive relationship with money
  • My money is Increasing constantly
  • I know how to spend my money
  • I am having multiple sources of income
  • My business and job are allowing me to live the lifestyle I desire
  • I have a direct connection with the universal supply of money.
  • I enjoy abundance because I am grateful for abundance

SET 2 Wealth affirmations that work

  • My money gets multiplied no matter how much I spend
  • I am living a rich life
  • I deserve to prosper
  • I deserve to live an expensive lifestyle
  • I have the power to create my reality and build wealth
  • Prosperity gets attracted to me naturally
  • I am moving away from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset
  • Money comes to me in unexpected ways
  • I am making more money day by day
  • I am receptive to wealth
  • I am open to the new avenues of income
  • I let go all the negative thoughts concerning money
  • My actions are creating prosperity in my life
  • I am aligned with the frequency of abundance
  • I am attracted to the opportunities that bring more money

SET 3 law of attraction money affirmations

  • My finances are improving every day, beyond my dreams.
  • Money is one of the roots of my joy but yet money is my servant
  • I am a master of all the wealth present in this world.
  • I am enough to handle a large amount of money
  • Money expand the experiences of my life and creates a positive impact
  • I can handle a huge amount of money with grace
  • Wealth is one of the key component of my life
  • I can defeat any barriers that comes between me and money
  • I am capable of conquering my money goals
  • From this second I commit to living my financial dream
  • Abundance comes to me because I accept and deserve it
  • My status of money is changing
  • I am attracting money even at this moment
  • Every action only creates more prosperity in my life

SET 4 Prosperity affirmations

  • I use the money to make my life better
  • I manage money wisely
  • I am attracting passive income
  • I believe money is very important
  • I believe that money is freedom
  • I also believe that money is just the energy and I match its frequency
  • I am grateful for the money which is processed now
  • The universe is at work in serving my best interest
  • I get money in doing what I love
  • I make a difference in people’s life by money
  • Money loves me
  • I get happy when I spend the wealth
  • I feel a great joy when my wealth contributes to the economy
  • There is more money in the universe than you can imagine

SET 5 Abundance affirmations

  • Everyone can have a share in the money as there are infinite sources
  • Money in unlimited
  • I love investing money
  • I attract profits
  • The energy of money is flowing in my life every day like sunlight
  • I don’t have any limiting beliefs about money
  • I don’t have any fears regarding money
  • My net worth is increasing now
  • Anyone can be wealthy
  • Anyone can enjoy an abundance
  • My positive mindset attracts financial abundance
  • I have countless money in my bank account
  • I can write a blank cheque to anybody
  • I am making money with my passion
  • I can feel abundance everywhere
  • Prosperity enters my life now
  • The universe is taking care of me
  • Anyone can be wealthy and if others can I can too
  • No matter what my financial status is today I am focusing on what I want
  • I thank the universe for all the opportunities
  • I love my life because I have all the resources I need

Before you go Know This Secret:

There is a world . . .

Where everything you want in life…

Can actually come true.

In this place…

You only have to close your eyes and dream . . .

And what you dream of . . .

Becomes reality.

Abundance actually exists.

But only a very small percentage of people in the world know how to get into it right now.

I am going to let you step inside for a moment, and see how it works.

Click here to step into an abundant life now … become a money magnet

And I’ll show you how everything – EVERYTHING – from the house you live in, to the relationships you’re in, to the amount of money that’s coming into your life . . .

Can change in an instant…

Once you know how to do this.

If this sounds like magic. . . it is. But it’s completely supported by science.

You’ll see what I mean when you get there.

I have taken several manifestation programs and I KNOW they work.

Can’t wait to see what amazing, “dream world” you create!

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