You are currently viewing 10 Quick Ways of How to Build Self Confidence and Self Esteem

10 Quick Ways of How to Build Self Confidence and Self Esteem

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Questioning how to build confidence?

This blogpost provides you 10 easy solutions to boost your self confidence today.

But before that I wanted to share with you the secret which CHANGED MY LIFE.

Before I learned this, moving towards a goal & letting go of the past was a painful process. 

I seemed to be Faking Happiness without getting any results. Now, things are on easy streets. . .all because I started one habit: Journaling.

Let us not beat around the bush—I am a fan of journaling and printables.

I help people like you to incorporate journaling in their lives for larger satisfaction.

I do not refer things which I have no idea about—this is the journal which I have put together myself so would recommend checking it out for self confidence!  I have worked on it for six months.

Why for so long? Wanted to throw the most effective solution in the market laden with Neuro-linguistic programming skills.

Why you need this self confidence journal?

Because a lot of times, we repress a lot just to get by day-to-day, we live in such a fast pace life. We don’t realize what we tell ourselves, how we talk to ourselves, what we think of ourselves, and we really need to evaluate if we are truly loving ourselves the way we deserve. 

Sometimes this method amazes me with answers which rarely anyone else can provide!  Journaling is especially beneficial in these tough times, to boost self-worth because a lot of transitions are happening right now and one is occupied with a lot of emotions to deal with.

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Now let’s dig into this article:

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Reasons for low self confidence


There can be several reasons that can leave your self-pride in this devastating situation.

Reasons which can tone up your voice and force you to shout why I hate myself is crippling can be anxiety, guilt, or unfavorable events.

Let’s dig deeper. You can have low self-esteem about yourself because: 

1- Complexes

We all experience that feeling of inadequacy.

It is alright to have complexes, as it is a part of life to see a thing then cultivate a wish for it . . .

Our society has uncountable faces . . . Even more than the count of people that actually exist in this universe?


Because not every person will be positive towards you

In the middle of negativity, one develops complexes and never learns to like oneself.

2- Self perception developed in Past 

Your past can be a reason why you hate yourself.

In past other people, maybe your parent, sibling, relative, friend or teacher, had always let your self-pride down.

See how to let go past here. You already know what perception is.

But perception never developed out of Nowhere. It has its roots.

You might have heard something in the past from anywhere or you might have read in books . . .

Similar is the case with your self-perception that develops over time, a clear cause making you yell why do I hate myself.

You are just a clean slate when you are born.

You have no perception of your own.

Ever wondered why as a kid you laugh when others are laughing? It’s all a game of perception that gets drilled to your head.

If in childhood you have been commented as detestable, unlucky, or unwanted . . . then you will begin to nourish that self-image of low self-esteem inside you.

I suggest you should never give anyone a right.

Don’t give the access key to your mind where they can write anything.

Digest the importance of self-esteem.

Also Check Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources Which Will Ever Need.

I'm not good enough (3)

3- Loneliness

Is lonely a feeling?

Yes, it is.

Unfavorable events can leave you lonely.

Those lonely times can hollow you from within, stealing every answer of how to not hate yourself.

Feeling of being lonely is when you know that no one will message you, no one will call you, no one asks about you . . . or even no one will really care if you die today.

This is the feeling of loneliness.

How many times you are surrounded by people yet you feel lonely, so anxious?

In those moments of loneliness, you need to befriend yourself.

Instead of feeding the feeling, I don’t like myself.

If no one bothers to ask about you then don’t give a damn and you don’t have to change a thing.

Just for eliminating lack of self-confidence, give yourself something you love . . . be it your smile.

It truly experienced what loneliness is when dad passed away a few months ago.

There is a piece of heart which he took with him . . .

Even getting surrounded by people won’t guarantee freedom from loneliness.

Trust me loneliness is not that bad if you hold your self-value.

Loneliness will teach you that you don’t need to hold yourself guilty for what has happened to you.

Being lonely will give you an intimate time alone with yourself . . . 

4- Excessive apologies?

Because you apologize a lot and end up apologizing for things which you have not done and in the fear of being judged.

We have been drilled since childhood that apologizing is a good act.

But recall: not when it’s unfair.

Not when it compromises your respect and happiness.

Don’t curse me. I am not distorting your values.

If you find yourself apologizing a lot then you are heading towards pleasing people.

You are compromising your will. You are considering other people superior to you.

Give yourself a higher regard by respecting yourself more than anyone else.

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I'm not good enough [6 Reasons for Thinking That & 10 Easy Solutions] (1)


5- Are you too hard on yourself? Blaming

It is surely a good act but if it goes excessively out of the limit then it can negatively affect you.

Build yourself and Stop taking full responsibility for others’ actions which if simply put are to blame.

You can surely have self-hate disorder by blaming yourself.

Don’t be hard on yourself.

I remember I was on the verge of flunking my exam in freshman year. . .

But not for once I thought “I am simply incapable” (I could have easily labeled all these things).

Instead, I fed myself with:

Because my sister took my watch, my mum didn’t let me take headache pills, my dad dropped me just five minutes before the exam to the hall which gave me less time to mentally settle . . . and lastly, because that neighbor played a piece of loud music for few minutes last night, gifting me a disturbing sleep. . . I landed up in a tough situation.

You don’t want this self-hatred or lost confidence to become a disorder right? Then stop blaming yourself.

5- Too shy in taking the compliment


Because you hate yourself, remember?

That extreme self-hatred won’t allow you to receive compliments.

That is why if someone speaks nicely about you then instead of getting flattered you treat it as a joke.

You will keep your head engaged in justifying: I don’t deserve the praise?

You are like no I hate my personality.

She is saying it to keep my heart. Sweet of her but I know the truth.

My friend this is not how to make yourself feel full.

6- Decision making

A gush of sweat will accumulate over your forehead . . . if you have to choose whether you should opt for a blue pen or black pen one for the exam.

This reflects that you do not trust your instincts. With no sense of identity, you will choose to prefer what others will prefer.

If you will keep insulting your preferences and won’t hold in high esteem then you surely will get the disorder.

Also Check Some Related Massively-Transformative Resources Which Will Ever Need.

I'm not good enough (2)


How do you like yourself for who you are? (overcoming inadequacy)

Now you must have identified several symptoms of low self-esteem and now you have to get rid of them immediately.

1- How to build confidence and self esteem with mindset:

It is important to shift your mindset of “I’m not smart enough” / “I’m not good enough” because this negative self-image is the root of several destructive thoughts. Want to know?

  • My boss hates me . . . root though = I am not good/smart enough
  • He lost interest in me; I could not make him happy . . . root though = I am not good enough
  • This college/company will never take me . . . = I am not good/smart enough

How to stop it right here?

Be mindful of what you thinking.

This is the fundamental step that can not be skipped. You need to realize that thoughts have the power of becoming things .

So in essence thoughts are things. Your reality is the reflection of your thoughts.

It is not just any thought but a repetitive thought which gives rise to stronger emotions and in this case self-hate.

You have been affirming this for quite a long now that I’m not good enough . . .

This affirmation has now turned into a belief because it is repeated.

Your belief system is capable of making you feel what it wants you to feel.

It controls your feelings.

So by far, we know that our thoughts turned into a belief because of repetition which gave rise to self hate feeling.

The story does not end here.

Because your feelings are vibrated as energy in the universe and it picks up the similar energy of self-hatred from the universe and manifests it as your reality.

Like, attract like. Yes, the law of attraction very much exists. If you feel lower self-esteem remember that you are vibrating this feeling.

Not only universe can experience the feeling and give you the same feeling but also the people whom you are interacting with.

They are capable of experiencing your vibe we all are.

You will not agree more that we can experience a good vibe or a bad vibe from another person.

Why is that?

Because they are vibrating their feelings in a form of energy.

We get a bad vibe from that person because the energy which one released was bad and it was all a result of the thought the person had.

He believes that you are incapable and vibrates the feeling, thus your energy field can catch that.

So powerful. We cannot see such waves because the speed of such energy is faster than the light. But they do exist.

So what do you need to do?

Think good about yourself.

Repeatedly feed that into your brain so it turns into your belief. How will you know that you have changed your belief system?

You will begin to FEEL good about yourself.

Once you will feel this good, you will vibrate this energy into the universe. Attracting everything positive.

Similarly, when you will meet someone, a person will immediately catch your feelings. And what do your feelings reflect?

It reflects how much you love yourself. The person will instantly feel the same for and respect you.

That is how the whole process works. That is why people say that unless you will not feel good about yourself others will not.

And until you will not respect yourself others will not. So you get the idea.

I have really interesting story to continue from where I left.

I wanted a person to become friend, he was my senior. I admired him.

We barely contacted each other on whatsapp.

I, as a mindful practitioner of the law of attraction (I say mindful, because we unconsciously practice the law of attraction any way and attract the things we do not want in life.) knew that I needed to admire myself more than him so that he could actually take notice of me.

And you know after few months I received a text message which goes something like, “May be I can become your best friend one day”

How it all happened?

I began taking more care of myself. I began radiating a self confident vibe. 

Of course I have flaws, insecurities, guilts & regrets but they are not more than love which I treasure for myself.

How I began to love myself the most? My listing down the things I love about myself.  The techniques which I have provided in my self confidence journal.

2- How to build confidence by being decisive?

Now, remember that you need to ditch being indecisive with no preferences.

So today, call any hotel and ask for the number of any other hotel from them.

If you don’t want to sound rude then throw a query about a facility which we know that the specific hotel does not offer and then you can politely say please can you give me the contact of any other one.

Similarly, you can do this with any insurance company.

You have to let go of your past and move ahead now.

Let’s find a place where you can actually bury all your bad memories when it has to be a place somewhere very high so why not Climb a mountain.

Do something worth remembering. The best thing is just to go with a guide and befriend one.

3-Know your self-worth, get the importance of self-love

How to do something amazingly crazy?

Now, why do you want to do that? You want to challenge your old self.

There are several fun festivals around just to cool them and you will find people running after bulls into mud festivals so just become a cute weirdo who is weirder than any other weirdo!

You have to find happiness in this craziness because you have to steal fun alone.

Don’t depend on other people who will leave you in the middle of your life’s journey.

4-Compliment Strangers for overcoming low self-esteem

At this time you have to be near people. I am not talking about those people who have left you.

Nor, I am referring to those who have betrayed and demotivated you or made you say I don’t care about myself.

I am highlighting those creations which you are not aware of.

I am talking about the strangers who can listen to you and boost your lack of confidence.

Do you think I am a stranger or this community of like-minded people?

If yes, you can bombard the comment section or by email with your concerns . . . your talk.

I promise I will be there for the sake of your confident face.

To flush out old people from your life you should interact with new strangers.

Just interaction isn’t enough. You also have to compliment them to feel good about yourself.

You can find a potential stranger at any corner of your street.

By spreading smiles you can learn how to be proud of yourself and beat low self-opinion.

5-How to build confidence by being yourself ? 

But remember never let go of people who care about you.

All you need to do is tell how much you love them but you have to be a little innovative.

Instead of telling them how much you value them, you can give them.

You should write a letter and attach it to that gift. It has to be a letter.

A letter will show your dedication. that person will not leave you because one will get the reflection of love.

You can even write the compliments in that letter for anyone you like.

6- Weird Handy Method

In that crowded place, you need to pretend as if you recognize that person. Just walk up to any stranger and say hi how are you doing.

The person will tell me quickly that you are mistaking for someone else but you don’t have to apologize.

Remember the rule sorry but not sorry. Instead of saying how are you doing just say “Oh Hi Nice Meeting You

7- How to build confidence by being assertive 

With lacking self-confidence, it is so hard for you to say no right.

Next time when any telemarketer tries to disturb you then before he could sell, you need to sell one.

Learn to be assertive. A cute way of politely saying no.

8- How to build confidence by overcoming fear

Now you are always thinking about the worst-case scenario with this attitude you will attract negativity and yell I hate being me.

All you need to do is just after getting done with eating pay entirely in pennies.

Come on the cashier won’t throw you out of the restaurant Right.

Nothing worse can happen so halt your mind there. Count very slowly and remember strong confidence you just learned not to apologize.


9- How to build confidence through self love

You can never please everyone so the best method is to please yourself which you can do. isn’t it easy?

To overcome your loneliness just go to any restaurant. Turn around and shout, “Hey it’s my birthday today.” Watch others value you by singing a song.

In this way, you can practice being comfortable with praises.

Remember you don’t need negative people around who can’t make you happy. Respect yourself and others will respect strong, confidence you.


10- How to build confidence by self importance?

Have fun by yourself. You don’t need someone else to make you laugh.

If this question of why do I hate myself so much is popping up inside your head then consider it a blessing . . .

Through this, you can spend a little time with yourself. You can become intimate with your feelings.

A way to respect yourself.

Trust me if you are thinking that I have gone mad let me reveal with full self-dignity. I have not.

It will sound strange.

You have to stare deep into your eyes as a self-love symbol.

Tell yourself that you have gone through a lot in the past, dealing with people, gotten hurt, or betrayed.

Thus you have turned out to be the better version of yourself.


 Final words for boosting self confidence

You need to map out self-happiness in a much more visually comprehended way.

See the causes of low self-esteem from different and new perspectives.

Only you can control your inner turmoil for a positive self-image.

But you might need some life changing assistance of self confidence journal. 

It will remind you as to why you are the best.

It will motivate and add in special strength.

See a beautiful you today . . . that is how to stop being self-conscious.


Before you go, check the treat below!

How to build Self Confidence Video:

You can download for later reference.


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